
Captain Hok Hok Hok

Ask @stillnotken

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time," she paused for some seconds. "Just ask. And I don't mean Alkohol." She chuckled, thinking about the evenings they spent together on the sofa, playing video games like kids. Or watching horror movies.

tobemydarling’s Profile PhotoMiss Romanoff (Hiatus)
"Well..." Steve needed a moment to form a proper sentence, this situation was still confusing and he still didn't know how to react without upsetting her. Eventually he smiled, lowering his gaze and his voice a bit. "Thank you, Nat. Sounds like a deal, I suppose I owe you." Didn't he already? It was hard to keep count, with all this life-saving going on around them.

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"That's the reason we love you, Tower mommy," she said and smirked slightly, looking up at him. She stood up and walked around him, so she wrapped her arms around his neck, gently, got on her toes and put her chin on his shoulder. "We're at home. Try to relax, you're so tensed Steve." She sighed.

tobemydarling’s Profile PhotoMiss Romanoff (Hiatus)
Steve eyed her sceptically as she movied closer and frowned surprised. It took him a moment to unfold his arms, but a second later he wished he didn't because he didn't really knew what to do with them now. "I'm... always tense. Keeps me going. Nat..." He tilted his head a bit to look at her. He hadn't expected her to feel this warm and soft. She didn't look warm or soft.

(( 8D Yeeha ! )) "Well .. I don't know where he is. Looks like you are the Tower mommy now," she laughed and launched herself on the sofa. "I forgot it the first time here and you start rant and raving at me."

tobemydarling’s Profile PhotoMiss Romanoff (Hiatus)
"I'm just concerned about everyones safety... It's probably a soldier-thing. I don't want anyone to get hurt." Steve crossed his arms and gave her a slightly annoyed luck. "So whats wrong with that? Just don't forget it again."

(( Ich habs geklaut o_o XD )) The red-haired chuckled before she took the gun. "Actually I was hoping he would accidentally shot himself with it." Then she smirked and patted Steves shoulder. "But thank you for taking it, big babysitter."

tobemydarling’s Profile PhotoMiss Romanoff (Hiatus)
(Typisch Agent :P)
"Isn't Phil supposed to be the baby sitter? Why didn't he take it?" Steve answered, rolling his eyes. "Just be more careful, that's all I'm asking."
Liked by: Rex Laufeyson

(( Wow that was creative! xD )) Natasha raised her eyebrows in surprise and pretended to give him applause. "I think I accidentally deleted the internet and I'm sure you can help me with it," she joked then. "No, okay, seriously. Did you see my gun ? I put it on that table.."

tobemydarling’s Profile PhotoMiss Romanoff (Hiatus)
(:P Sagt die Richtige) "Oh, go away", Steve replied dryly, definitely blushing a tiny bit. He then turned around to take her gun out of a drawer. "You mean that one? There are kids running around in this tower, Nat, and by kids I mean Tony Stark. Be more careful with your stuff."

Well, when i died 20 years ago, i had 30 years old, and... now, after Loki give my life again... i'm with the same age - she smiled - don't worry, i won't will kill you by tell me young - shrugged

WhyAreYouMyClarity_’s Profile PhotoEdith Barton
Well, I suppose it would be worse the other way around. *chuckles nervously* Is there something I can do for you, Miss? Being back in a different time can be very confusing, I know that. I actually died seventy years ago.
Liked by: Edith Barton

Steeeeeeeve. Stevie. I'm bored. Let's play! *throws pillow at him*

mrjarvis’s Profile PhotoJARVIS
*catches the pillow and chuckles*
Fine, calm down, Jarv.
*smirks and throws the pillow back* What do you want to play?


Language: English