
Tabitha Faye

Ask @tabzzishere

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Biggest regret?

I prefer to not regret anything, but there are some things I regret not saying and things I regret not doing.

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20 facts bout you:)

1. My favorite color is purple<3
2. I love eating soup, no idea why.
3. I have a golden retriever named Keurig!
4. I love sunflowers, they make me so happy :)
5. My favorite musicals are Phantom of the Opera and Rent <3
6. I love reading books about body language and facial expressions!
7. I enjoy studying zodiac signs!
8. I was a really chubby baby ._.
9. When I was a little kid I bit a glass cup so my parents made me use a plastic cup until I was like seven or eight.
10. The cutest nickname I was ever called was Taffa. My childhood friend called me that when we were little because he couldn't pronounce my name xD
11. I am claustrophobic, I have acrophobia (fear of heights), arachnophobia (fear of spiders), and emetophobia (fear of vomit)!
12. I don't like cats, (I like kittens) but one of my favorite characters is Hello Kitty xD
13. One of my favorite flavors is mint, but I don't like the actual mint plant.
14. When I was a little kid, my dream job was to be a vet, but then I became scared of the idea of giving animals shots.
15. One of my favorite types of people are people who can make me laugh(:
16. I'm scared of needles .-. I hate shots!
17. I don't work with horror shows and movies, but I seem to really like watching American Horror Story xD
18. I have been doing independent study since kindergarten,
19. My favorite youtubers are Superwoman, Tyler Oakley, Troye Sivan, and David So(:
20. I enjoy all types of music except for country and heavy metal screamos.

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U don't do ootd anymore

I have several questions asking for my OOTD, but I always forget to take a picture.

If you could change your skin color to anything outside of the natural palette of skin colors, what color would you choose?

Gray sounds like a good skin color
Liked by: Avery

Has anyone ever told you this, but you're really beautiful. Just came to make your day. Have a great week.

Aww thank you :)
You really did make my day!


Language: English