
Teenage Advice

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so this one night, this guy walked me home and we had a really deep conversation just about ourselves. at one point he stopped walking and told me he liked meeee... me being really stupid i just said "oh" and kinda laughed and i think i made him feel really bad :( what should i do?

Compensate by asking him to hang out with you. Next time you see him, just tell him that what you did was a wrong move and you appreciate him for having the courage to tell you how he felt. If you like him, tell him how you feel, be honest. If you don't, tell him that you see him as nothing more than friends and you love the relationship you already got with him! :)

I'm 12 and my dad passed away a few years back, I have never cried about it, not even when I got told (I was 8) but now everynight I cry my self to sleep because I miss him, why and what can I do to stop it?:(

I am so sorry to hear that! I really, truly am. This makes me so sad. I think now that you're 12 you have just come to a realization and you have a bigger understanding that it was your father who passed away. It's good to cry it out but try not to look at it like you've lost him because he will always be in your heart. Give yourself as much time as you need and don't be afraid to talk to your mother about it. After all, your mother is also another important person in your life that you should be able to talk to about anything. You are only going through a phase right now and it's perfectly acceptable. All you have to do is keep moving onwards and think of the great times you had together and that he is in a beautiful place right now. In the knowledge that that having experienced great love once, you are transformed forever by its grace. Get some rest - plenty of sleep will make it easier for you to handle the situation. Stay strong, beautiful <3

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are you meant to shave the hair on yohr vagina?

You're not "meant" to but you can if you want to. A lot of girls do :)

OMG! help so this guy in my year at school messaged me and said I was fit and noone has ever said that to me before and then he said to send him a pic and I dont know what to do and last time when someone asked me out I blocked ghem cause I freeked out and I dont want to blow it this time

Accept the compliment, thank him. There's no need to send a picture if you don't want to so you can just casually tell him "Thanks but nahh I'm good ;)" There's no need for blocking or freaking out. If you feel really uncomfortable, you can always just tell him the truth or ignore him xx

I'm 12 and I weigh 10 stone...I do cheerleading&i walk a lot..I eat small breakfast,hardly any lunch and a normal size dinner,but I'm still fat! I don't snack between meals? Any advice to help me loose weight because I am desprate to:(<3

Oh sweetie, breakfast is the most important meal of the day so you should have a big one! Breakfast is a key meal to boost your metabolism which is what you want in order to lose weight. Instead of 3 large meals a day, eat 5-8 small meals. Don't count calories, just make sure you eat super clean and healthy. Eat tons of vegetables and fruits. Try avoiding processed or starchy foods and grains. Opt for healthier options and substitutes. Instead of sweetening your tea with sugar, try honey. Try brown bread instead of white. Opt for skimmed milk and low fat dairy products etc. Don't focus on fad diets, they never work and they're a one way ticket to messing up with your developing body. The big obvious one is to avoid sugary and/or junk foods. Eat lean meats and drink plenty of water/green tea. Of course it's perfectly fine to indulge yourself once in a while so never feel bad if you find yourself eating a piece of cake. Remember losing weight takes time and patience but I believe in you. Also for the exercise, try adding jogging and some light weights to your routine. Start with 5-10 minutes and then gradually increase that. Good luck! :)

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right so i like this boy and he likes me to and i said if i asked you out what would you say and he said yes,im still to scared to ask you out :( what do i do?xx

Ahh how sweet! I understand you're nervous but if he said yes, what do you have to lose? Plus, I think it's really cute how you're the one asking him out. From what a lot of guys have told me, guys actually respect girls who make the first move - it takes a lot of courage to do it and they really appreciate it. Invite him to hang out with you somewhere and once you're ready, just tell him your feelings and be straight up and ask him to be your boyfriend. Just be confident :) Good luck xx
Liked by: Megan Tyler

Omg,this page is helpful!you've helped me a lot,thank you so much<3

I'm glad I could help, thank you so much for writing this! Have a lovely day <3

I self harm,and I want to stop...any ways I can stop? Like what can I do to take my mind off of cutting?

Oh sweetie, you should really tell someone about this! But I'm always willing to help :)
First of all, never be hard on yourself. Cutting is addictive, so it is a very hard thing to overcome. However, I believe in you and you should believe in yourself! Remember recovering takes time, so set yourself small little goals along the way. If you don't have faith in yourself that you can do it, then it'll be a lot harder to stop. Don't kid yourself and think that it will happen overnight, but don't be negative. Reward yourself. Wear bracelets to cover your cuts. Try the butterfly project or the semi colon project. Try doing something you like, something that makes you feel happy - something positive. I find drawing a really good distraction :) Once you stop, I guarantee you'll feel much better. Believe that others care for you and care for yourself! You're beautiful and your body is a temple <3

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my vagina itches a lot after i shave... so embarssing haha.. is that norma;?

Totally normal! When your hair starts to grow back, you may get really itchy. Usually the more you shave down there, the more you get used to it.

any tips on surviving first year of high school? xxx im a girl btw

Just be organized and on time with homework and classes, get on the good side of your teachers and make friends. Talk to people and try not to compare yourself with the upperclassmen xx

im the kid with acne, like people know me as the kid with acne... i think its that bad :/ what should i do?

Ask your parents to take you to a doctor! They will give you a referral to a dermatologist. Your dermatologist will prescribe the best medicine for your acne :)

any quick remedies for my pimple! HELP

Eye drops (the kind that helps with redness). Just soak a q-tip and dab it over your blemish - it should help with the redness.

I've recently just come out a bisexual and everyone has been so lovely about it and I'm really happy I came out but how do I tell my mother? That's what I really am scared of...

Try asking her to sit down and have a good talk with you. Talk to her alone, show her that you're serious about this. If you're scared of asking her directly, try leaving a note saying "We need to talk." Once she's with you, just be completely honest. Your mother's love for you should be unconditional no matter what your sexuality is. I'm very happy for you! :)

i really like this guy and I really want to get to know him better.. Im so awkward UGH

If you think you are awkward, trust me, things will be awkward! Just be casual and find something you have in common to talk about. Try inviting him to hang out with a group of friends or ask him what the homework was for a class. If he happens to not be in any of your classes or know any of your friends, don't ever be afraid to just say "hi". Talk to him like you would to any other person x

How do you cure depression. I can't take my medicine. Is there a way I can help it get better?

You need to find someone to talk to, whether it's a trusted friend, family member, therapist etc. Letting out all your emotions to someone who is willing to help is the first step to getting better. Instead of living on the negative things happening to you, focus on the positive things you can to and the actions you can take. Ask yourself: what can I do to create happiness? Make a mantra, find a phrase or quote that gives you strength. Finally, learn to give happiness to others. I personally really like this because I find it impossible to feel depressed. When you make other people happy, you know that you're not worthless. Focus on the little things in life to appreciate, the little things that make you smile count. Whether if it was the time someone picked up the pencil you dropped or the time you laughed so hard with a friend. After all, feelings do pass and things will change. I'm surprised teens even survive. You are amazing <3 :)

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i dont get it. I exercise so much but I'm fat. I don't eat much either. what can I do ? :(

You don't eat much? That could be the problem right there. Eating healthy but a lot keeps your metabolism high so you don't put on weight.. Losing weight takes time, you need a lot of patience and willpower. Dedication and commitment = results!

how do you know you're high on weed? x

Simplest answer: you will definitely know when you're high. If you can't decide whether you're high or not, you probably aren't.

my ex wants me back and idk if i want him back sometimes i have feelings and sometimes i dont. what should i do?

Oh sweetie, you have some decision making to do! Take your time, evaluate your thoughts and feelings. Think why you want him back and why you don't exactly want to. From there, I hope you make the right choice :)

My friend cuts herself & has tried to kill herself at twice. In the past months she was getting better but there's been a lot of mean messages sent to her anonymously from one of her "best friends".she's starting to be depressed again. I've said what I can think of, what else can I say to her?

A "best friend" would obviously never send her hate so she should re-evaluate who her true friends actually are. It's a good idea to delete whatever site she is using where she is receiving the anonymous hate. Tell her she always has the choice to make her life better and the only way is by choosing not to let all the hate define her. Advice for the cutting, tell her it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem - it's not worth it. Her body is a temple she shouldn't destroy. Advise her to get some counselling if you think that's best. You're a lovely person for caring, all the best to you two <3

my friend hates getting support. it makes her feel uncomfortable but i want to support her, what should i Do??????

Sometimes people who are sad don't always need the “it gets better talk”. Maybe she wants to hear something like “you are sad, you are trying your best, and it’s okay. You’re okay and you’re alive and that’s a big accomplishment.” Unconditional optimism can get annoying sometimes so don’t make her feel weirder than she already does in her own skin.


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