
Nathan Cook

Ask @topynate

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What I mean is, do you think it works? Is it a good system for the world? And also, do you practice it?

You certainly can't run a society on it; that's what I was getting at. Between societies a sort of relativism is inevitable, unless you want to spam them with your television programmes, conduct missionary activity, colonise them, force their conversion, kill their males, etc.
The picture that comes to mind when I consider if I practice moral relativism is of my going through life behaving as a modern cultural anthropologist. I don't. Perhaps a 19th century anthropologist.
This doesn't touch even slightly on philosophical arguments about what morality is, but I don't think you were asking about that.

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What does "a revisionist reading of history" mean or imply?

I see this question is going round. it can *imply* a lot of things, but it denotes something pretty specific: a view of some events that differs from the commonly accepted one. It can acquire nasty connotations when groups who reject firmly established facts adopt the label for the sake of credibility.
Being a reactionary perforce makes one a revisionist about a great deal of contemporary history -- similarly to how a non-communist living in the U.S.S.R. would have had a revisionist interpretation of a great deal of history, given that the 'accepted view' of any period was a Marxist-Leninist one.

What are your thoughts on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? And which side do you think is more aggressive towards the other?

That's kind of a broad question. I know what side I'm on in a pinch, if it wasn't clear! Anything more specific like the intifadas or 1948, feel free to ask.

http://ask.fm/garrettlgray/answers/136138744911 Can you comment on that?

Garrett and I probably have compatible ontologies (or so it seems to me), but he and I are using different definitions of "free will" and related subjects. For instance, take the sentence "If a person acts with a reason, they were not in control of their actions, which would have been different in different circumstances." My definition of "free will" does not require that an agent's actions be *random*, or that they be *uncaused*. I have no problem whatsoever with attributing free will to agents living in a completely deterministic universe, like the one in Greg Egan's "Permutation City" (a work which I heartily recommend).
Free will, for me, is necessarily something compatible with the common understanding of free will – while at the same time not necessarily compatible with "folk theories" of what the existence of free will entails (like the ability to act independently of any external causative factors). Any definition I adopt, whatever its degree of logical formality, should be a *refinement* of that common understanding.
So how do I define free will? Roughly speaking: an intelligent being, getting information from external and internal sources, processing it, and taking actions based on that processing. Moreover, the greater the degree of self-reflection – that is, the greater the extent to which that being thinks about its own thought processes, and how they relate to its environment and its actions – the more likely an outside observer would be to attribute "free will" to that being.

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Have you read Scott Alexander's Unsong (http://unsongbook.com/chapter-1-dark-satanic-mills/)? What Jewish mythology-inspired fiction do you like?

Yes, I picked that up a week ago and was favourably impressed. Who would have thought all that punning could be used for world-building?
Sticking with Kabbalah for a moment, Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco comes to mind. RIP. Also Neon Genesis Evangelion – which, by the way, uses Jewish esotericism as a bit more than just window dressing. Two of Ted Chiang's short stories, Seventy-Two Letters and Tower of Babel, use Kabbalah and the Biblical mythos*; the former may well have influenced Scott Alexander. There's a poem, Eden Bower, by Dante Gabriel Rossetti that I rather like: http://www.rossettiarchive.org/docs/1-1881.1stedn.rad.html#20-1869.f30 (his illustration is below). 19th century degeneracy is best degeneracy.
* Not "Hell is the Absence of God", though, that's more of an anti-Christian fantasy.

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Liked by: NO NAME ratiomon

do u think part of why israel might be poorer than it should be is the culture of doing things there? as in lack of organisation, difficult behaviour, lack of care for details, etc.

So we need to define how rich Israel "should" be excluding cultural factors first. I think that Israel is roughly as rich as one would expect, given its ethnic composition and political/military history. Really, cultural factors are a wash*; we're not Anglo-Dutch proddies, but our own way of doing things hardly holds back the smarter fraction of our population. Quite the opposite.
The countries I would count as exceptional are mostly in East Asia. Those growth rates are phenomenal.
*Or perhaps Israeli culture is a good match for the "Jewish nature", whatever that is? I'm not sure.

Galileo's head was on the block The crime was lookin' up the truth...?

The main cause of Galileo's legal troubles was his applying philosophical rigour to the favoured arguments of Pope Urban. Urban instructed the Inquisition to examine G for heresy *very carefully*. Personal offence was revenged by legal means.
What does this say about the role of "Trad Christianity" in the nurturing of science? Doesn't reflect on it too well imo. G got in trouble by doing natural philosophy and the prevailing spiritual-temporal system enabled it. On the other hand Galileo is an exception! After him one can say that the development of science was not noticeably impeded by the Church, at least.
But this is precisely why the defence of the traditional order when it comes to Galileo irks me. Fact: Galileo was questioned under threat -- a real threat -- of torture. He was sentenced to life imprisonment (commuted the next day). These are facts in the same way that "Soros is a huge factor in immigration" is a fact. Defending the Church when it comes to Galileo is casuistry.
("Casuistry" is what normies say instead of "Talmudic reasoning" btw. My, don't we love our outgroup terms!)

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do you think israel can ever be as rich as switzerland, or richer?

Had to do some research on this one. Ultimately I don't see why not, but it would take a long time, several generations at least. By international standards, the Swiss are very good at capitalism, better than Israelis. First Israel has to catch up to Switzerland in the ability to accumulate wealth, then it has to actually accumulate more (If Switzerland stopped getting richer today, it would still take Israel at least 20 years to catch up). Israel will have a lower fraction of retired people to support, which will help, but not as much as it would have historically, because of the returns from increasing automation. To be honest we probably hit several Black Swans before the demographics can play out.

why are jews richer than average in western countries, but then israel itself is quite poor compared to western countries? even the rich parts of israel (e.g. ra'aanana and herzliya) are poor or just average compared to normal areas or cities in western countries.

Factors like early socialism, a high tax burden, the cost of integrating huge numbers of extremely poor immigrants from Arab countries etc. must have had an effect, but at this point Israel is ahead of the European average and growing at a similar rate to other Western countries. We appear to be lagging countries like Spain and New Zealand by two or three years at most: https://www.google.com/publicdata/explore?ds=k3s92bru78li6_&ctype=l&strail=false&bcs=d&nselm=h&met_y=ppppc&scale_y=lin&ind_y=false&rdim=world&idim=world:Earth&idim=country:IL:GB:US:PL:NZ:IT:ES:DE&ifdim=world&tstart=316735200000&tend=1421272800000&ind=false
Remove the purchasing power parity adjustment and Israel is actually ahead of Spain and Italy: https://www.google.com/publicdata/explore?ds=k3s92bru78li6_&ctype=l&strail=false&bcs=d&nselm=h&met_y=ngdpdpc&scale_y=lin&ind_y=false&rdim=world&idim=world:Earth&idim=country:IL:GB:US:PL:NZ:IT:ES:DE&ifdim=world&tstart=316735200000&tend=1421272800000&ind=false

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Thoughts on Hearn's departure?

I'll probably blog about this, but to be very brief, it's a good thing that he left, it's a good thing that he wrote a pissy article about it that the NYT picked up, and six months from now, no-one will give a damn.

What is the future of the West Bank and Gaza?

Islamic vortex. Hopefully we'll be smart enough not even to try to clean it up. There might be some withdrawals from settlements outside the main blocs; the blocs themselves are defensible.

Who is more attractive? Typical English girls or English Jewish girls?

About the same, really. Non-Jewish English girls tend to drink more heavily, I'm not a fan of that.
Liked by: Ellie Kesselman

Anime or manga fan? Recommended viewing/reading?

Yeah, I dabble. I'm not very au fait with manga. What I do know is that http://www.samehat.com/ has some crazy good stuff. On the other hand, I've watched a fair amount of anime over the last ten years or so. Recs:
Neon Genesis Evangelion – first I ever watched.
Death Note
Legend of Galactic Heroes
Satoshi Kon's entire oeuvre. My favourite is Paprika.
Zipang (the anime ends in the middle of the story; manga continues)
Serial Experiments Lain
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (first season only)
Elfen Lied (very gory; self contained, but the manga continues)
The Twelve Kingdoms (same deal as Zipang)
Liked by: Sidney Carton

On this stat of U.S. Jews how do you explain the incomes of Haredim? Why is it so high when most don't even attend proper schools or have real careers? And why are Modern Orthodox so much richer than other Jews? http://www.pewforum.org/files/2015/08/PR_2015-08-26_orthodox-jews-12.png

I don't know the answer to that. I don't even know if American Haredim have the same attitude to education as Israeli Haredim (supect the answer is no, if for no other reason than that the Israeli government funds many Israeli Haredim to study Torah all day).

What happens when Haredi Jews become a majority in Israel?

This is set to happen in the 60s or 70s. On that time scale, my predictions are dominated by global trends in automation, genetic engineering and artificial intelligence. Such trends could easily drive Haredim apart from other Jews; my hope, indeed one of my long-term goals, is that Judaism and Jewishness are binding enough both to support a confederal arrangement with a common defence policy and cooperation in the face of all the weirdness that will be going on in ROW (and Israel too, of course).
I can give a less "zomg singularity" response too. Condition on such technologies having less effect than I anticipate. Then some time before the Haredim attain numerical majority, they could become a very serious drain on public finances. This is because they 1) tend to be significantly less economically productive and 2) exploit what is already a powerful swing vote in the Knesset to obtain gibsmedats.
We will see a situation where either the productive sector of the Israeli economy demands economic disconnection, or where pressure is applied to the Haredim to make themselves less dependent on state largesse. They're quite capable of doing so; a couple of years in the army seems to go a long way in integrating the average Haredi boy (Haredi girls almost never serve; on the other hand, they get a better secular education). Bear in mind that the Haredim cannot *force* anything, even as a majority, without themselves becoming as capable as the seculars.
The deciding factor between these two options is probably regional politics. The Islamic threat pushes us together, making us less willing to contemplate confederation (which would be my preferred outcome). Thus, we'll see the continued growth of Religious Zionism; settlements will grow, more and more Haredim will serve in the IDF, Arab residents – and citizens – of Israel will be pushed to make formal declarations of allegiance to the state (with predictable consequences), and the liberal internationalist Left will be further marginalised. Palestinians will get roughly the package Bibi is currently offering them, possibly with a couple of land swaps (e.g. the Triangle). The anti-Zionist Haredim will be excluded from political life* even more than they are now. By the time Haredim have a majority, secular and 'traditional' Israelis will be much better disposed towards them.
* How this will be effected, I can't say. The largest anti-Zionist Haredi sect in Israel is Edah HaChareidis. This is part of their "anthem":
To the rule of the heretics we are not believers,
We are not believers!
And their laws we do not honour,
we do not honour!
(From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edah_HaChareidis#Anthem)
In practice, their bark is worse than their bite. Nevertheless, this sort of thing is blatantly inimical to any sovereign entity, whether democratic, despotic, monarchical, neocameral...

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Liked by: Ellie Kesselman

As a Jew with some appreciation for (I gather) alt-right and NRx voices, how do you react to the anti-Semitic overtones? Laugh it off? Chalk it up to anti-PC pushback/letting off steam? ... Do they have a point? Are progs overbearing Jewish mothers whose smothering is misdirected to broader society?

Oh ho ho. Some of it is amusing, but I don't laugh it off. It depends what counts as anti-Semitic. I hear guys saying "Jews should move to Israel" and I think, well, duh. Or there are the ones that say "Jews are smart, but they should stop being so goddamn progressive" and I think, yeah, they should. It's the ones that say "we need to get rid of the Jews. Also, fuck Israel" that have me reaching for my Micro-Tavor. "A man shall be commended according to his wisdom: but he that is of a perverse heart shall be despised."
The idea that it is dangerous or wrong for any Gentile to comment on Jews as a whole should be left in the 20th century with the horrors that birthed it. We a posse now.
Above applies to the smart alt-right (which is some of them) and NRx (most of them). The lumpenfascisten can go hang, for all I care. (Alternatively, a national homeland could be found for them, perhaps in Idaho. Principal exports: potatoes, dank memes.)
I had not heard the theory that progs are modelling the behaviour of stereotypical Jewish mothers! Obviously you're talking about the White ones. My answer is: no, practically the opposite. You're familiar with the Hajnal Line? Prog altruism is a very West-of-the-Hajnal-Line thing. It's not particularly warm, as anyone who has been on the receiving end of it will be aware – I would term it "fervent". European Jews are historically East-of-the-Line. The whole idea of the overbearing Jewish mother is that she wants to protect her children *from the outside world*. That can't be misdirected outwards, the concept is incoherent. As for Jewish progs, they're best viewed as having converted culturally to Western European behaviour, only to take it to ridiculous extremes.

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so is there a belief in israel that a man should be the breadwinner and has to be the head of the home and stuff like that? is it common for women to be homemakers in israel?

Hmmm... no, it's not that traditional. The great majority see female employment as a good thing. There's also a funny sort of inversion that sometimes happens with the ultra-orthodox, whereby male study of Talmud is so fetishized that boys don't really get any secular education, and are therefore more or less excluded from the workforce, forcing their wives to work in order to support the household.

what country is more traditional for women, israel or england? in israel do people split bills on dates, or does the man have to pay?

Outside Tel Aviv, Israel is more trad, for sure (and exceedingly so in ultra-orthodox communities). As a rule, people marry young or fairly young and have kids. Ultra-orthodox aside, there's not a huge amount of pressure to conform, though – at least not from outside of the family. The man doesn't have to pay on a date, but he should. If you're a guy, just say you're going to pay – people do this all the time in Israel, even for friends and acquaintances, so not doing it for a date would be weird, frankly.

Are flatearthers a false-flag conspiracy to discredit the alt-right?

Discredit with whom? "Alt" strongly implies already being discreditable in mainstream circles.
No, if there is a conspiracy, it is one designed to improve, not degrade, the reputation of alt-righters. Every group has a fringe. For the left: tankies and Maoists. Non-tankies/non-Maoists like to laugh publicly at how ridiculous those guys are. This is both a fun activity and positive P.R.
Now suppose you're a fringe member of the alt-right. To pick a concrete example, completely at random, suppose you're a Holocaust denier. Do you really want to be the alt-right's designated whipping boy? Hence, flatearther White Nationalists.

Are English women attractive? Who is prettier - English or Israeli women?

Just give me a sec to get my fedora.
Right, so English women often have a weight problem. Israelis rarely do. Apart from that, there are some ridiculously attractive Israeli girls. They're usually cute or better, it's uncommon to see an ugly one.


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