

Ask @voltcatfish

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Which is the better movie: The Brand of Lopez, or The Italian Job?

The Italian Job wins because I've actually seen it you see

You didn't answer the question though.

If you mean with as in a girlfriend, then she can wear whatever she wants, I don't mind.

Which is the better chess opening: Ruy Lopez, or the Italian Game?

The Italian Game sounds like a cool heist movie, so that one.

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What would you not want someone you were with to wear?

I had to re-read this question several times before I fully understood it. That takes skill, anonymous person!

:3 Also the other day you said you didn't want GRA or something, and that is okay! Plenty of trans people keep it. That includes me! You're super cool no matter what! Also, I'm not sure if you know this but HRT and GRT aren't the same thing! You can get HRT without getting rid of the D

I did not, in fact, know this. I've never heard of GRT or GRA before...

If you could safely take a two-way trip to one place outside of Earth, where would you go?

The planet composed entirely of trans people. It's very nice there.
Liked by: Hamsterlady

What's your favorite pizza topping/combination of toppings?

I like mushrooms, but only if the place doesn't suck at taste and placement. I also kind of liked anchovies a s a kid, no idea how they'd match up now

i'll let you in on a secret: lots of straight haired women don't actually have long straight hair and use a hair straightener to make it like that - you should give it a shot if that's what you're after, you'd be surprised

Ooooh, thank you for the tips!

If you could have one superpower what would it be?

The ability to help everyone. Because I am a sappy f.u.c.k.e.r

What's on the top of your birthday wish list?

Cute clothes. I might ask my mom if she'd mind buying me a cute dress for christmas this year.
I'm curious what my mom's fashion sense is like.
Liked by: Hamsterlady

Forgive me if I'm stupid but how can you have two girlfriends and not be polyamorous?

The same way you can be a cute girl despite being born male *finger gun*
Liked by: A.Scope Rurfs

I've got to confess - I still really fondly remember the time you asked me a question out of nowhere, because I'd remembered you from somewhere and thought you were cool! As for questions I still wonder: Did you still have plans for that Project Diva F LP?

I'm not sure what me and Yuki are gonna do wrt that these days.

Volt Miku, I have to admit I think you're one of the few that came from SA that I like. (Horrible at this stuff, so bear with me please) I really enjoyed you in the race vids and all that. So, now that I've slightly gushed, I'll ask a question. Do you still hang around the SA forums often?

Well thank you for your kind words. I read lots of threads on the forums still, but I don't really stick my head into LP much anymore, in neither indulgence nor creation.


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