

Ask @voltcatfish

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i was rewatching some of the old race videos and just wanted to say you have a very cute laugh (ノ´ヮ´)ノ

Awww, thanks!
I feel that my laugh has gotten quite strange in modern times, though. I was laughing about something the other day and even I could tell it sounded a bit weird.

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What's something you've done for yourself lately?

It is only in recent times that I realize I care far more about others than I do myself. I haven't really done anything for myself across my entire life, really.

What do you want to be known for?

I have no desire for fame, or to be famous. If I can help less fortunate people out then that's accomplishment enough for me.

How much does other people's pain affect you?

Heavily. Part of the reason I do not watch the news...

Some people would rather ignore all that relationship stuff... Are you one of those people?

Ignore isn't necessarily the right word. I have just never felt the desire or need to seek out a romantic partner.
I have a flimsy asperger diagnosis, so take of that what you will.

At what age will you eventually be kissed? What is the Cumulative Probability Distribution of having been kissed at some age?


Originally it was just for cons to be good vectors for diseases to spread with, but now that you mention it... :)

I've heard people getting sick at cons all the time. it's clearly not a coincidence.

Do you think they should add more *-cons to Plagues Inc to properly model the spread and evolution of a disease?

Are you implying that conventions are a disease, friend?!

How has your week been? Have you done anything fun or fulfilling?

To be honest with you, I don't even know what day it is today!

What are your normal awake hours? When do you operate best?

Normal for me tends to be 8PM to around 11-AM. I am not a morning person at all.

Are you finally feeling better? I think last I saw from you were totally sick.

Sadly, still sick...

Are you going to be doing anymore race videos? I really enjoyed watching you race and hangout. :)

Well racing is Smite's thing and he hasn't done or announced one in quite awhile. I think racing might be finished
Rest in peace, race thread.

Pretty sure I've seen you tweet about the Project Diva games. Do you enjoy them more for Miku et al, or do you enjoy the rhythm game itself at all? Any other rhythm games you enjoy?

*I did not actually know who Miku was until I played the Project Diva f demo 5 months ago.
I do like both the rhythm game by itself and because of Miku. For other rhythm games, I've only really played Ouendan, EBA, and Parappa. I do like the genre but I'm too lazy to find more of them.
I'm lazy.

Do you speak any Japanese?

I know what I've picked up from being exposed to a lot of Japanese media over the past 14 years. So some of it but not really?

i was inspired by the other nice person to make you a picture as well. i'm drunk and have never done anything in the anime style before so i apologize in advanced if it's poor, but here it is! http://imgur.com/a/XDy6z

Aww, cute little Miku~! Thank you very much anonymous person!

are you ok??? you havent posted anything in a few days

It's 4 o'clock in the morning, why on Earth are you making chocolate pudding?
Liked by: Rurfs

I like IA more than miku. is this okay?

I've never been to Iowa, but I don't hear much about it in general, to be honest.

Do you play animal crossing: new leaf?

I haven't in a very long time. My villagers are probably all gone and covered in weeds


Language: English