
Stephanie Zhu

Ask @xstephhunnie

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Are you a someone that speaks up when you don't agree with something?

Depends on the topic but for the most part, yes! I'm very, very opinionated.

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Did you have senioritis during your senior year of HS?

Definitely!! Esppp during the very last few months.

Do you think you have good time management?

To an extent! But not nearly as good as I could or should be managing my time :P

do you think you'll ever update your blog again?

I actually do think there is a possibility of me wanting to blog again. Probably during summer or when I move out to my own apartment! I'm not sure that I'll continue on my old one though. I'd probably start fresh, b/c I like how my xstephhunnie blogspot documents my high school life :P

When you feel sad because someone said or did something to you, do you tell that person that you feel sad or you just keep it to yourself?

Depends on the situation and the person! Usually, I let them know but if it's something petty, I let it slide.

Do you think college is more stressful than high school?

Yes. By a million times. It's incomparable!! High school was a breeze compared to college.

Do you have any advice on how to grow strong nails?

I really don't do anything to my nails! Just don't pick at it and be gentle :P

if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

San Francisco. I LOVE SF so much.. when you live in san francisco, you develop a bond with the city! LOL Wouldn't want to live anywhere else. I love to travel though? :P

so what was your unweighted gpa when you applied for colleges?

I honestly don't think I ever found out what my GPA unweighted was! But I think my weighted GPA was a 4.2 or something

how do you pay for school and other things?

Well, I don't work so basically I'm dependent on my parents. There's financial aid and loans to pay for college!

What do you do when you're sad?

Do something I love! A lot of times, that's shopping :X But besides that, I vent to my best friend, sister, boyfriend, or parents :P

What's it like having a roommate in a dorm?

LOL It's actually pretty fun! You don't really have personal space though. However, I love our super late night talks, pranks, and laughing till we're practically dying. It was nice and fun while it lasted! However, I'm SO ready to have my own room!

What was your SAT score?

Not very great! I had a.. 1760? Something like that. I think what was REALLY important was your GPA and personal statement. So don't freak out if your SAT isn't perfect!

Hey! I'm going to UC Davis next year! I hope I will be able to become friends with you!

Hi! Congratulations! You'll love it here :) I hope to meet you!

How do you keep yourself and life so ground? school, family, boyfriend? How to you remember all your goals and be so happy?

I'm just a very positive person with really strong morals and values. I know who I am as a person! It's exhausting balancing everything but at the end of the day, I still find myself super happy.

Do you have any tips on how to move on?

Surround yourself with people who love and care about you! Give yourself time to grieve. You'll eventually realize that it's not the end of the world and you can be happy without him :)

how do you not get discouraged and sad over the things in life that doesn't go the way you planned but seems to be going well for everyone else? college rejection, school, life in general?

A positive outlook! I might not be in the best college or acing every class and exam, but I can truly say that I love my life. I'm so happy and I wouldn't change a thing. When you reach a level where you're truly happy, you stop trying to have the "perfect" life but instead, you feel blessed and lucky for everything that you do have :)

Are you socially awkward?

Not at all! I used to be REALLY social until I hit high school. It was because in middle school, I met such amazing people that I didn't care to make new friends when I got to high school :P

How can you maintain being confident?

I think once you discover who you truly are and learn to love yourself, confidence happens naturally. But even when someone is confident, they still have insecurities and self doubt every once in a while. It's kind of an ongoing battle! I think you just have to accept your flaws and stay positive :)

Were you shy in high school?

I wasn't shy because it's not like I felt nervous talking to others. I was more or less just really quiet because I didn't care to make new friends or meet new people :P

How do you prevent yourself from procrastinating on school work?

It really just takes your own will and dedication!


Language: English