
Stephanie Zhu

Ask @xstephhunnie

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RIGHT?!? I died. It was SO friggin cute how he climbed up to her! I literally watched it twice! Ernesto is seriously the ideal man...

thanks for everything, steph! <3 you really do make a difference :) -rk

Thank you SO much<3.. I'm overwhelmed at all the supportive and loving comments in my inbox :')
Sorry I can't reply to anything! I broke 3/4 of my nail off and I have it wrapped up so it's very painful to type :( I'll be back as soon as I can<3

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What oxblood color nail polish do you use?!? I can never find a good one! Your nails are always so nice.

Thanks :) I actually don't know the name of my favorite oxblood polish, but apparently it's limited edition T.T

(So sorry!)Pt6//idk what can motivate/help.i do spend my spare&lunch at lib studying &doing hmwk this entire year but still like this..im a friggin mess procrastinating perfectionist i hate underachieving but not enough to make me overachieve atm i sound so dumb&awful& i am but..Pls Help!!:(


Pt5// i just feel like she wont agree bc its not fair. Mom told me i need to show i care but i feel like she just looks down on me. Im really afraid of eng n essays as an immigrant.. I know if i try really hard i can do it but my ass aint movin!but im just a huge blob of mess rn omg i do hate myself


Pt4//my sis in lifesciences is like u smart hardworking i feel awfully shameful..My eng mark is so low now&ii feel intimated by my teacher that i cant even listen to my mom& talk to her about raising my mark up possibly handing in dued marked missing bits&doing more assignments to get extra marks


Pt 3//At first they supported Then started telling me its competitive and i prob cant handle espec at this state so i should prob just stay n get into a good uni. But lately ive been really wanting to go there yet im slacking like no other!


Pt2//Im a junior now&ive been tripping over procrastination&laziness.i just dont ever have the motivation to study&finish hmwk on time but things really do matter now.My rents have high expectations for me &so do myself.I even requested to go to a better school&rents bought an apt dt in ones area.


Pt1// (Warning this is a long one:p) being a beautiful,well mannered, good hearted,intelligent &hard working girl makes you my role model steph. Ive been struggling so bad academically :( ive always been told im smart but lazy but things used to fall into places ok.

First off, aw! Thanks so much :') I'm so flattered!
You are not dumb or awful. Do not say you hate yourself! I actually just went through this recently. I haven't been able to concentrate and felt so unmotivated. I knew I had work to get done, but I always ended up watching a drama or on youtube. I think you need to tell yourself to cut the crap and shape up. Think about your goals and re-evaluate yourself. What makes you motivated? What do you want out of life? If you want to make your parents proud, then work for it. Yeah, still give yourself some leisure time just so you stay sane but shape up! Do the work. As for English & essays, it just takes practice! Don't be afraid to ask for extra credit. What is the worse that can happen? She might say no. Is it that bad? Don't you rather ask than to not know and be afraid? At least you can say you've tried! Don't feel shameful and don't compare yourself to anyone. You're you and you work at a different pace. Block out what expectations they have of you and focus solely on yourself. You know that feeling of accomplishment you get when you think about everything you completed during the day? Work for that! Go to sleep knowing that you had a productive day. It's all self motivation and its all dependent on yourself. Work for it. "If you don't fight for what you want, don't cry for what you lost." There is no shortcut! Work for what you want and make not your parents, but yourself proud!
I hope I'm not coming off as too brutal or mean! I'm just trying to motivate you with tough love :P Take care girl! I'm here if you need me<3

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Liked by: Chow Miko

Steph ive heard that the new double wear formula is not as great as the orginal. What are your thoughts? Any differences?

Nope! feels the same to me?

You're starting to promote a lot of shops now....

3 shops out of 850+ photos. All by my own will. LOL What's the big deal? I'm not getting paid? It's the same as posting a photo of items from Brandy or F21 and tagging them. How does it affect you?

Do you get callus on your feet? If so, how do you get rid of them?

I think I used to when I wore heels! I don't do anything to it!

haha, sorry if this is weird, but what color nailpolish are on your toes? Do you have the same polish for your toes and fingers?

Nope! I usually keep them either oxblood or another random color. Currently, I have this orange-pink ish color with white stripes on my big toe and 4th toe :P

What other games do you play besides COD?

Just COD for now! (Thank god :P) I've played conquer, counter strike, gunbound, starcraft, runescape... etc... I actually have the new starcraft! I'll probably play in summer :P

Hi Stephanie! Hope you are having a good weekend! I just realized it was a 3 day weekend for you if you have class on Friday! =]

Hi! Thanks love! I had an amazing weekend :)

You are literally my favorite youtuber of all time. you're so sweet and different from the other beauty gurus i've subscribed to. Don't ever change based on what other people tell you, you're perfect <3

Aw :') Sweetest comment!<3 Thank you so, so much for the support and love. I appreciate it SO much. GAH, I just want to hug you. Xx

What do you think about the iPhone 5? Do you like it? Do you recommend it?

I love iphones in general! I definitely recommend it. It's the whole thing and just the way the phone is set up. Once you get an iphone, you never want to use another :P

steph for my first year of college, do you recommend taking the min. of 12 units? would 16 be too many? thanks :)

I'd say 12-14 :)

have you/viv ever gotten something wrong and you guys got yelled at by your parents for it? I made rice and I think it was a bit undercooked.

Our parents never yelled at us much! But yes, it has happened before, but it's never too bad! Everyone makes mistakes! Don't worry about it!

how to i make my boyfriend more comfortable with my style? he becomes bothered when i want to wear off the shoulder tops or even tights that have that sheer part on the thighs (so it looks like youre wearing over the knee socks)

I know a lot of boyfriends aren't okay with slightly lower cut tops, shorts, etc. Personally, I've never had that issue with my boyfriend, so it's hard to relate and give advice >< I really don't understand why they would care? It's not like you're walking out in a see through top or your bra and underwear! I feel like it has something to do with insecurity. Let him know that he can trust you and that it's really not anything provocative and you know your boundaries!


Language: English