

Ask @xxCH4RMEDxx

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What names do you want to give to your children?

if boys, Sage and Dominic, maybe Dashiel. if girls, Kristiana, Kayne and maybe Ashley.
Liked by: PohLing

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What makes you feel like a boss?

when I play basketball with the boys and the realize how amazing I am haha

What does the World know about the country you live in?

the world knows that it's an interesting place with delicious food and the worlds largest Ferris wheel. :)

What does freedom mean to you?

it means fearlessly expressing yourself without any judgement being made....

If you could paint anything what would you paint?

I'd paint a girl with a flaming background and she'd be bleeding, and she'd have tears streaming down her face :)

What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?

I have answered this question millions of times....... and again. it's meeting ABTM... :D

What celebrity annoys you the most?

celebrity.......?? I don't know..... hehe... hoe about the one that stole my boyfriend from me??

Would you like to be famous and for what reason?

to help spread some love and care among people and to show the hatefulness and bitterness of bullying....

If you had to eat only three things for the rest of your life, what would they be?

chicken burrito, chicken steak, chicken rice.


Language: English