

Ask @xxCH4RMEDxx

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Can TV make us stupid?

maybe, if you watch cartoons the whole day, so watch documentaries. studies in Holland show that you take more from a small screen then from books :)

What’s the best way to learn a new language?

when you're young I guess it's easier to absorb stuff I to your brain....

would anyone get in the way of who you want to be or who you love?

no, I'm known to be stubborn, but if it's my dream and I passionately persue it, then I will try my best to get it :)

If you were to be given a wish to make, and it will surely come true, what will be your wish?

to have my own music career. :)

What is the strangest dream you've ever had?

that I married someone from school.. a certain xxxx xxxxx subtract 2 x if you know what I mean... it was more of a nightmare.

What single piece of technology makes your life easier?

oh dear. I answered to the wrong question... the scariest place one would be.... Syria.... and the most important thing I have is my phone.

What do you know that others don’t?

this is a vague question.... so it deserves a vague answer. I know a lot of things ;)

What should there be in a perfect day?

one direction, my own record label, Simon Cowell and a whole lot of my music.....

What topic of conversation do you consider boring?

cars, electronics, physics... urghh those are rely boring.


Language: English