

Ask @AJPoole

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You're trying to impress your girl aw. I think..well...I know you're an arsehole now and go around licking armpits, thats entirely up to you if you wanna do that but I dont like the person you've become so I think its time for you to delete my number and never contact me again. have a shit life.

cuntygay’s Profile PhotoCourtney
Creasing, Courtney all the things we've done will always keep us together so try it :)
Liked by: Courtney

probably already together knowing you. disgusting alex. utterly disgusting.

cuntygay’s Profile PhotoCourtney
Move on with your life, your my past and I don't know what the future holds.... Fuck that sounds cringy. Basically, Courtney I don't know what your on XD
Liked by: Courtney

who the fuck is courtney, ew. ella and alex ur so perfect for eachother should just fuck already.

You should stop stalking my ask and jumping to conclusions babe
Liked by: Courtney

alex fancys ella so much omg totes should get together

Courtney, just because we broke up and u haven't truly moved on doesn't mean you should make stuff up
Liked by: Courtney

after masturbation, i am having panic attacks with high blood why...i mean why is that shit what is that bitch?

Ella is to shy to admit it herself but its because your to tight..


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