

What others replied to:

I want your opinion. I have a friend, but he dah ada gf. And then, sometimes he text me, and share pictures of him taking selfies.. and sometimes he give morning wish and night wish. but only "sometimes" la tk selalu pun 🙄 okay nk tanya, is that consider yang aku ni seorang perampas?

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Ive a guy friend yg buat mcm tu jugak (everydayand he never missed) tapi ada gf. Thought he was lonely at tht time and I couldnt resist to reply him since he has blood cancer stage 4. But anyway, I still keep remind him that he has gf so pls be cautious. And Im not a sparepart anyway.
Hmm tu bkn slh kau actually. Tu slah lelaki tu la. dri situ dh nampak permainan dia. Terang2 dh ada gf, knp nak msg ppuan lain pulak even KAWAN. Knp? sblm dia couple dgn gf dia, bkn tittle kawan ke dulu? ke trus couple? Tp kalau lama2 kau layan dia, blh kategori perampas sbb lama2 kau blh jatuh cinta kat dia. haaa
tak lahh,.. kau perasa lebih jak...
biasalah, member lelaki... memng mcm tuhh,.. anggp jk lahh dia hrgai pershbatn korang... lelaki sebenarny lebih hargai persahabatan drpd percintaan...

Language: English