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50 posts


Do you think extroverts have an easier time having a conversation with others or can you be introverted but still talk to others very easily, the main difference being that you’d need more alone time as an introvert?

I think you can be introverted yet talk to others easily depending on the situation.. that's why I say I'm an extroverted introvert.. I get along easily with really just about anyone.. but I like being alone.. most of the time

Do introverts have fomo sometimes?

As an introvert, I do. I’ve been told that I’m not a shy person since I could strike up a conversation with just about anyone one on one and I’ve even went as far as to sing for choir back when my social anxiety wasn’t that bad. Over the years, my anxiety got worse and I couldn’t get myself to talk to anyone but whenever I’d see people around me having a nice conversation, I’d get jealous because I wasn’t having fun like them. As long as I don’t overhear other people having a nice conversation in front of me and keep myself busy somehow, I don’t worry too much about what I’m missing out on. I also have a competitive side to me that comes out when I’m good at something but can’t always express myself the way I want to. That doesn’t mean the desire to be seen and acknowledged by others doesn’t exist tho.

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Are you introvert or extrovert ?

samanfatima66066’s Profile PhotoSaman Fatima
I'm an extroverted introvert. That means I'll either talk your ear off like I've done 4 lines of coke, taken 30mg of Adderal, and drank 7 cups of coffee or I'll be Buddhist monk vow of silence mute. There is no in between.
Liked by: Micro. Panda NAUMAN.

What type of student were you/are you at your school/university? (Studius, backbencher, average, naughty etc) 🎒

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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I was always a selective introvert.
I was rather average in most subjects except for the subjects in which I had a personal interest, and there I was also an A-grade student. In university it's pretty much the same, I guess. x'D

Do you feel you have any unpopular opinions?

DionysusArius’s Profile PhotoMetanoia
I do. I think that therapy doesn’t work on everyone, that it’s better to be in a relationship and be surrounded by people even if you consider yourself an introvert as well as an independent person, and that it’s ok to continue reaching out to someone even they don’t make much of an effort to talk to you not because you need them but because you enjoy their company.

When interacting with others, do you tend to rely more on gut feeling, or prior knowledge about the other person?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Hi there. I should mention that I have very little interaction with people in real life, as I am an introvert with other issues that lead me to isolate myself. However, from the few interactions I do have, if I had to choose between prior knowledge and instinct, I would say both. I am very wary of people, so I have a habit of scrutinizing them carefully. I don't want to be taken advantage of! 😉

How to make you text 24/7? 🌚

saadniazi61’s Profile PhotoSAAD NIAZI.
It depends on the energy and the vibes that i feel with this person..if i can text someone 24/7 without being bored ( which is rare ).. that means I'm in the red line with this person and i have feelings because basically I'm introvert person no friends and no much people in my life and i find person to text always it's like a miracle for me and i would tell him the smallest detais in my life and day i would spend much energy and time on this person with feeling pleasured without being tired even if I'm sick or sleepy or tired i text..
In the end i see that i better pay attention to myself and be away..because I'm just putting energy on vain. Disappointment again in my life.

Co vám pomáhá na permanentní toxicitu ? Tím mám na mysli neustálou nervozitu, frustraci, nesnášenlivost.

losintos’s Profile PhotoThis is my PeePee
Trávím co nejvíc času sám se sebou. Jsem introvert, vyhovuje mi to tak. Snažím se co nejvíc vyhýbat situacím ve kterých budu nervózní a pod. Ne vždy je to bohužel reálné...

Do you consider yourself more of an introvert or an extrovert and how has that made an impact on your friendships/interactions with others? Has your level of being introverted or extroverted changed over time?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I'm an introvert and I've seen how it affects my relationships and friendships. Being quiet and not talking much has sometimes felt like a setback. People seem to like those lively, chatty types who light up a room, which isn't me. I've been working on being more outgoing over time because I don't want to miss out on opportunities.

I watched a video on YouTube and that showed the differences in facial expressions of those who are extroverted vs introverted. Do you think you can tell who’s extroverted or introverted based on their facial expressions?

I think that’s a big stereotype but it can probably be done with some people or at times. Like I’m an introvert that’s always inside my own head. If someone were to look at me in public then I’d probably come across as unhappy looking while I could be the happiest person around but you’d just never know because my emotions aren’t visible most of the time.

introvert or extrovert lefty or righty simple or glam rain or sunshine early bird or night owl night out or night in sunrise or sunset always late or always early dog person or cat person dreamer or realist walking or driving

1. Introvert
2. Both
3. Both
4. Sunshine
5. Night owl
6. Night in
7. Sunrise
8. Always early
9. Dog person
10. Realist
11. Walking

If possible would you rather explore space or the deep sea?

hussainaliraqe23’s Profile Photo3ra2y
Both would be amazing. If I could only choose one, I’d choose the depths of the sea. Who knows what merfolk we’d meet. 😉 Speaking of deep sea, I’m going to be underwater for a bit. This introvert needs some me-time. Feel free to send personals. I’ll respond when I get back. Hugs for all my friends .
If possible would you rather explore space or the deep sea

Ako si poradiť keď si introvert a hľadáš priateľov? Máte s tým skúsenosti?

djfreshritaorafan’s Profile PhotoFelicity
Takhle. Mám s tím zkušenost. Protože v době, kdy jsem byla hodně v psychickém srabu jsem odmítala kolem sebe lidi. Měla jsem pár přátel kolem sebe, ale o ostatní jsem přišla. Ale mamka mi osobně pomohla. Seznámila mě s hodně lidmi 😊
► Pokud ale není nikdo kolem, tak i kolikrát seznámení přes internet zabírá 😊

ขอHow to จีบหนุ่ม introvert หน่อยค่ะ 🥺

earnearn59680’s Profile Photoearnearn
ต้องเข้าใจในตัวเขาก่อนครับด้วยความที่ introvert เขาคุยไม่เก่งอยู่แล้วก็ต้องพยายามชวนเขาคุยหน่อย
แล้วก็ต้องสม่ำเสมอ อย่าพึ่งเบื่อเขา (introvert ก็กลัวโดนเบื่อเหมือนกัน) แล้วเขาจะเปิดใจให้เองถ้าเขาสบายใจที่จะคุยกับเราแล้ว

Introvert or extrovert ?

khushbakht52’s Profile Photokhushbakht
اماں ابا بہن بھائی دوست احباب استاد ہم جماعت سینئر جونیئر سب نے آج تک نہ صرف یہی سمجھا ہے بلکہ مجھے بھی اس کا یقین دلانے کی ہر ممکن کوشش کی ہے کہ میں ایکسٹروورٹ ہوں جبکہ میں ایکسٹروورٹ نہیں ہوں ۔ میں شدید قسم کا انٹروورٹ ہوں۔ اگر میں ڈیبیٹس میں پارٹیسیپیٹ کرتا تھا یا سپورٹس میں ایک اچھا کھلاڑی رہا تمام عمر تو کیا یہ ضروری ہے میں ایک ایکسٹروورٹ ہی ہوں۔ انٹروورٹ یہ سب نہیں کر سکتے کیا؟؟؟

As I get older and personally see how demented evil and cruel people are I am thankful that I am not them and wonder why they are wasting their sad sorry lives away hating instead of living it doesn't make any sense to me btw who else hates useless questions and a waste of time small talk? Lol

gilmorejaimee’s Profile PhotoAgape Love
I don’t like small talk either and it’s probably because I’m an introvert as introverts tend to see it as a waste of time when they’d rather be having deep and meaningful conversations instead. I consider questions that have an obvious answer to them, questions that don’t have me recall core memories, or questions that don’t get me thinking as useless questions. Also, I think that people only hate when they choose to remain ignorant and don’t want to understand someone who’s different than them.

I'm stuck in a obstructive situation, my wife has some male friends, although she's introvert and not one of those girls, I've told her not talk to male fellow s at all, per Woh baat nhi mnti? Boys please help me koi suggestions.

Do your wife a favour and either grow tf up and accept she has friends, or leave and let her find someone who can treat her as she deserves

I'm stuck in a obstructive situation, my wife has some male friends, although she's introvert and not one of those girls, I've told her not talk to male fellow s at all, per Woh baat nhi mnti? Boys please help me koi suggestions.

You literally tell your wife not to talk to any other man but you?
Blimey, you don’t sound jealous, paranoid and oppressive at all 🙄

I'm stuck in a obstructive situation, my wife has some male friends, although she's introvert and not one of those girls, I've told her not talk to male fellow s at all, per Woh baat nhi mnti? Boys please help me koi suggestions.

I suggest you divorce her so she can live her life without your controlling oppression, and be free to talk to whoever she wants.

I'm stuck in a obstructive situation, my wife has some male friends, although she's introvert and not one of those girls, I've told her not talk to male fellow s at all, per Woh baat nhi mnti? Boys please help me koi suggestions.

I think askfm should brand itself to advice app..this kind of Jeremy Kyle ere or jerry springer problems 🤷‍♀️

Disadvantages of being an introvert??? Lemme start, before making a call we need to rehearse what we're going to say first.🥲

Me: Missing someone and thinking of calling them, then overthinking the whole thing, like: What if they are busy? What if they don't want to talk? What if they don't miss me at all? What if I'm bothering them by contacting them? What if I'm bothering everyone? In the end, I lock myself up in my room and start scrolling through IG while listening to music with headphones, and that's how I give up contacting everyone...🤷🤦🤣🤣🤣

Cewe manja , males keluar rumah , ga suka kumpul di banyak orang , ga bisa basa basi , kalo punya kemauan sangat kerja keras , kalo ga suka ga bakal di toleh , gapunya sosmed , kebutuhan wa pake wa orng tua , berinteraksi sama anak laki seperlunya dan di temenin gamau sendiri , woy apaada jodoh ku ?

Temenku ada yg kek kamu gitu, dia bahkan bilang gamau kenal dan deket sama cowok manapun, super introvert.. Bisa doa 6 jam nonstop di kamar sendirian.. Kau tau? Dia skrg udah nikah sama temen kerjanya.. Dan temen kerjanya juga pengertian dewasa mau ngertiin dia yg manja itu. Dia ga bisa pekerjaan rumah sama sekali.. Ga ada yg ga mungkin di dunia ini tu..
Liked by: sarahashl lah

The best app for chatting is....

انا قليل التواصل الحقيقه وأحياناً بعتبر نفسي Introvert بس الابلكيشن الوحيد اللي عندي للتواصل دلوقتي هو الواتساب وكل فين وفين ما بكلم حد عليه ومعظمهم زملاء الكليه او صحاب

What makes a person want to talk to you at first but then later distance themselves from you when they’re going through family issues/personal problems instead of using that as a chance to open up to you more?

They’re likely an introvert and that’s how they deal with things. Don’t hold it against us. We need a lot of space. Then again, when something bad happens I always still want to talk to my favorite person. Maybe that’s one way of knowing how truly special someone is. But that’s just me. And that’s just Lex. He transcends all of my usual stuff. Doesn’t mean that other introverts are that way.

No one is good at everything, a public speaker is not good at drawing and designing And an introvert is not good at public speaking But I'm good at nothing I tried but I can't be professional in anything like others

There must be something that you are good at, you just haven’t come across it yet. Go easy on yourself champ

No one is good at everything, a public speaker is not good at drawing and designing And an introvert is not good at public speaking But I'm good at nothing I tried but I can't be professional in anything like others

Iam sorry to hear that you are feeling that way. And its sosokay to feel like we don't measure up sometimes - especially when we compare ourselves to others who seem more skilled or successful in certain areas. And true that, no one is good at everything cause all have our own strengths and weaknesses. And just cause you haven't found your passion or area of expertise yet doesn't mean it is not out there waiting for you. The universe has a way of working things out even at times you feel like giving up. It can be tough to put yourself out there and try new things, but I truly believe that with time and practice, anyone can improve in whatever they set their mind to. And even if you don't end up becoming a professional artist or public speaker, exploring different hobbies and interests can still bring so much joy and fulfilment into your life. So please don't give up on yourself. You are capable of achieving great things - maybe they just haven't revealed themselves yet. I believe in you. 🌻

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Spali jste někdy v hotelu sami? Třeba vikendovy pobyt, či pracovní nebo studijní? Jak se cítíte sami se sebou?

Jako v celem hotelu jediny host? To asi ne. Kazdopadne zrovna ted jsem na hotelu sam na sluzebce. A samotu na hotelu si uzivam, protoze z kancelare, kolegu a pracovnich veceri a piv jsem coby introvert tezce presocializovan.

Are u always heartless

I’m far from heartless (imo) but sometimes I come off as cold due to my distant nature as an introvert, hardly ever smiling in public, living in my own little world rather than making a great impact on the society by helping others, always looking anxious and uninterested in others while constantly worrying about what people think about me but also looking self absorbed at the same time, and hardly being able to connect with others on an emotional level.

Are you a people person

Hmm, not really. I try to see the best in people and probably trust too easily, but I don't like being around a lot of people. I'm quite the introvert, and prefer a smaller circle. I'm shy and get anxious, so I struggle around big groups.
Liked by: DovahMonah Doug

Ako by si sa predstavil sám seba?

Som dosť uzavretý introvert ktorý má problém veriť neznámym ľuďom a bojí sa otvoriť alebo zdôveriť. Nemám rada ľudí, aby som niekoho začala mat rada tak ho musím spoznať vedieť o ňom základné veci, aký je ten človek a hlavne aký je ku mne a veľmi málo ľudí mám rada a verím im.

28. Chybí ti škola? Nebo nějaký konkrétní spolužák, spolužačka? A proč zrovna on/ona? :)

highlysuspect_01’s Profile PhotoɄ₮Ø₱łɆ
Vůbec :) tu jsem se shodli s přítelem, že jsme rádi, že ano, vyzkoušeli jsme si studium na vysoké škole ...máme maturitu, ale zpátky do školy nee ...nemluvě o tom, že bychom si snad dodělávali titul :D
Což je dost kontrast s ex, který měl tři vysoké :) a de facto větší část života strávil ve škole O.o což je za mě šílené - zvlášť dneska, když si mohu vše vyhledat, doučit se i doma ...
Spolužáci - rozhodně ne ;) já byl spíše introvert a šedá myš ve škole :D takovej ten vzornej žák, co byl brán za šprta

Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?

I think that I am more an introvert, because I often tend to spend time alone.
Socializing is a bit of a foreign trait for me, but that it because I am busier than most people. Being a university student means that I have to sacrifice a few things. Sadly, socialization is one of them.
In other words, I am a person who prefers to be alone. Therefore, I consider myself an introvert.

What are some signs that indicate that a person is more of an ambivert rather than being an introvert or an extrovert?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Well I have periods that last for a couple of weeks to months where communication gives me energy, but there are also periods where communication absolutely drains me.
I also took the personality test four times so far in different periods of my life and I always shift between I and E!

Introvert or extrovert ? ૮ ․ ․ ྀིა💖

princessxbunnii1’s Profile PhotoBunni ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎
On a futureless quest for life in the past, I've sunk into the dreamless sleep of the Usenet archives, reading old threads like inscriptions on a tombstone. I find past tragedies, long-healed wounds that I reopen on myself (without tearing them open among the many strangers), poetry with too much feeling and not enough craft. And so, I doom-scroll from rabbit hole to rabbit hole, procrastinating my life away.

Which historical period do you find most interesting? Why? ⏳

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Late 1900s as I was born in 2002 and was able to keep myself busy as a kid by watching Turkish series then had an iPod later on and realize that I would have a harder time if I was born centuries ago where electronic devices didn’t exist since I’m an introvert who never really felt like they belong when socializing with others. I wouldn’t have much of a choice but to socialize with others and have hobbies centuries ago which would be hard for me since I lack the motivation to do anything due to having depression and the one thing that always alleviates my anxiety is being on my phone. But, if I knew that I would’ve been happier centuries ago, I would’ve definitely chose to live in a different generation than this one :)

Have you ever wondered what some old (or even late) folks' lives would have been like if they were born later? I know for a fact that if my grandma was born in my gen she would've been an Instagram model or something. She always loved posing with a 'tude and be extra on the vintage press cameras💅🏾

Idk but I’m glad I wasn’t born in an older generation where people didn’t have iPhones and would spend their days socializing with others irl or did chores to pass the time. An introvert like me wouldn’t be able to adjust to a life like that while also being happy and ok with living like that (not that I’m happy at the moment despite being born in this generation but it just would’ve been harder for me to cope with my loneliness back then).

Do you have a best friend? 😸 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I used 2 have 2... But due 2 ma hectic schedule every day & the change in our personalities & priorities... I'm left with that one who can fully understand when I don't reply 2 her all day or week! I may lose her too in the long run; nth is absolute after all. Friendships particularly (&relationships generally) r hardly established nowadays, especially if u r an introvert have lately gained a lot of trust issues. One can be their only BF, can't be?? & would be ur advice 4 such a person?
Do you have a best friend

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