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Yang dah ada makwe/pakwe tp still tak geli geli dengan pasangan korang, hampa semua bodo. Hang ingat hang bercinta bleh sampai nikah ke?? Betul ada tapi dunia sekarang ni susah weh. So before putus, taste dulu okay kot2 dapat kote kecik ke hahaha. Kalo single, pandai2 arh cari makan cam aku

Dosa test2

Hahahahaha. boleh scroll askfm saye ramai dah tanye and sume saye jwp. lol srsly penat type.

Ouh Yeke okey..
Kalau penat nk jwb...padam shoutout yg tak suke tuuu..

Penat la jwp shoutout org. Ermm yg pasal crush lagi lah. sorry gaiz. i just want to luahkn je. hehe. But i can jawap je. Dun worry.

Ok nak tnye psl crush jgk lah😜..
Mcm mne nak move on (taknk sukakn dia dah) hehe

aku dapat rasa yg aku putus tunang. aku dapat rasa benda tuh 😭 weh tolong comfort kan aku 😭

Eh laa yeke mcm mne boleh rasa tu ?

Pernah tak dpat roomate yg jenis kunci jam awal2 pagi tapi tak pernah bangun pun?? tup2, pkul 7 jugak bgun.Come on la.. kalau kata nak qiamullail, dh nk dkt 6 bulan dia kunci jam tu. Adoiiii... sudah2 lah nak. Dahlah ringtone paling kuat, aku yg duduk 5 M dari dia pun blh terkejut.

Ouh pnh jgk....sabo jela

Is it wrong for a man to ask his girlfriend not to interact with some guys whom he knows their intentions towards her? It's quite sad that she thinks that it's okay to interact with them as they are friends...

Tell her that u dont like her interact them

Dia tak reply ws ke apa ke . Tapi dia online . I tanya dia kemana hilang tapi dia marah tanpa ada sebab . Pasttu hilang . Srs tak faham sebab masa mula tu beriyanyaa allah je tahu . Dah dapat peluang dia hilang . Hm entahlah

Ouh dia bluetick tpi on9 eh..hmm entahla mybe dia mrah tu sbb dia ada mslh besar kot..dah cuba call dia?


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