

Ask @ALiaHLee

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Nak tanya kalau barang pos laju time dia hantar kt rumah takde sape yg amik, macam mana nak amik brg tu nnti? kena pergi pejabat pos ke?

Aah kene amik kat pejabat pos

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Hii uolss ini sambungan haritu uolss, i tak layan dia lagi uolss everytime i jumpa dia i buat biasa dan taktahu uolss sebab apa? Sebab gas i dah habis so takleh bnyk terkentutt terkejutt lagi dah uolss so i decide i akan ignore dia mcm yang uolsss suggested mase jwb soalan i uolsss . Syg uolsss

Ok good choice sis🖒🖒😉

lerr bnyk nye yg tnye umur brape.. i feel down a bit laa bile ckp pasal umur nii tau laa bkn teenager lg hahahahahaha😂😂😂 my fav num is 7 so¿ im 90's kids hahahaahha adeee pulaakkk kids diee🙊🙊🙊 chill💚💚💚

zafirahnz’s Profile Photo마차
Ouh haha xpe sis jgn down2 ye. Sis still 90's kids😉

I got a crush on a girl, sometimes I’d stare at her like i want to eat her. I tried to follow her on socmed but then she’s rejected me. What should i do?

Boleh stalk dia.

Akuu tahuu kau sudah berpunyaa Taapii ku sanggup menunggu selamanyaa

Cari la yg lain yg belom berpunya lagi..buat penat je tunggu huhu

Erm nak tanya. Im new here. Bila kita shutout kan,someone akan answer then i nak reply balik. How? Sape2 boleh terangkan?

Kalau awk nak reply.. awk kene g wall org yg answer awk pnye shoutout tu.


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