Latest answers from AYUC19

What matters to you most - money, good looks or attitude?

They all matter!! But attitude is the most important!

When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?

I am truly blessed! And so glad my face cleared up!

I know everyone has flaws or things going on in their life. But how is everyone else so perfect. Their hair to, to their smile, to their clothes, to their friends. Even if their smile is crooked, their clothes are gross, their hair is dead. Everyone is perfect, except for me, and I never will be.

You are Flawless!! Everything you mentioned is all external!! Stop comparing yourself to others! You are unique!! You are perfect and beautiful! Beauty starts within and reflects in the outside! God made you into his image!! Which means he made you perfect!! Learn to love yourself and ask God to help you see how beautiful you are!!

Language: English