I know everyone has flaws or things going on in their life. But how is everyone else so perfect. Their hair to, to their smile, to their clothes, to their friends. Even if their smile is crooked, their clothes are gross, their hair is dead. Everyone is perfect, except for me, and I never will be.

You are Flawless!! Everything you mentioned is all external!! Stop comparing yourself to others! You are unique!! You are perfect and beautiful! Beauty starts within and reflects in the outside! God made you into his image!! Which means he made you perfect!! Learn to love yourself and ask God to help you see how beautiful you are!!

What others replied to:

I know everyone has flaws or things going on in their life. But how is everyone else so perfect. Their hair to, to their smile, to their clothes, to their friends. Even if their smile is crooked, their clothes are gross, their hair is dead. Everyone is perfect, except for me, and I never will be.

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I'm feel it too. I'm ugly, reckless, and out of the date. I have a lot of pimples on my face and always feel not good enough with my body. Every fucking clothes that I've wear, it's just unsuitable. And I'm comparing myself with the other girls. All the time.
Then I know that nobody's perfect.
Just change your mindset. All we need is a feeling comfort with ourself. Our body and our flaws. Self-acceptance is more important than being perfect.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things
from his point of view until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”
- these ppl make their lives look like that . They only show you the good parts . They cry and get mad when no ones watching. They make their hair look like that and etc . Everyone is beautiful in their own way plz don’t say that about your self sweetheart it’s so damaging to compare yourself to others . Nobody’s perfect they just try to act like that . What matters it’s the personality . Beauty might look nice but it doesn’t last forever bc we all grow old . You can be the most hot person alive but if your a bitch I don’t wanna have anything to do with you . Bc it’s negative energy and it ruins moods . Everyone has preferences too remember that . For ex, person A might think Zac Efron is hot but person B doesn’t see it . Think of when you had a crush . They were so beautiful/ cute / hot right ? Did you ever have friends go “where ? Eww why him “ all that matters is that you like them . They might like you back but you’ll never know unless you ask and it’s okay if they say no . Move on and try again . :)

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You are beautiful dont never ever down yourself i feel the same way everyday im insecure about myself i get called beautiful sexy cute but to me im not nun of those keep this in your head YOUR Beautiful NO MATTER WHAT DONT LET NOWAY TALK YOU DOWN 💗😔
Don't say that just like you said we all are perfect but we just have different ways of being perfect so you are perfect just in your own way.

Language: English