
Abdul Ahad ⚽√

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Sunnah is Sunnah!

tbvh i never deny the importance of beard but it is a part of islam, and it's all about love, affection, strength, thoughts, at night when i go to bed i failed to judge which one is more dark that night or my heart, beard is more about apearence amd definitely it matters but inner thing, spirituality it do more, first let me fix my these things that Allah's knows, my heart, my actions, my character, it required more effort, wearing beard is not enough

#{' اذا جالك (❤) مجهول او بيوزر يعني انت انسان محبوب واذا جالك (😒)يعني انت نفسيه واذا جالك (💔)يعني انت انسان مزعج 😂ارسلها وشوف كم شخص ❤😳

أنا آسف ، أنا لا أعرف ماذا تقولين
Liked by: Aiman Unknown


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