

Latest answers from Adяi☟

Hey, did you and Fernando banged that girl with an eye patch and a club foot 🦶🏻? 😳😨

Hahaha what

What is the plan moving forward? Just keep cheating on me?

To get married have kids and be loyal and in love

If you had the opportunity to live in an “off the grid” community, and no not the cultist kind. Would you take the chance?


Have you always intended on your relationships to last forever (even if they haven’t)?

Yes 100%

I miss you, I think about you, but I feel we could never be…doesn’t mean I don’t wish/hope we could. Maybe we are meant to just be friends and that’s ok, I do believe we could be more again one day.

Let’s just give it a shot and if it works great if it’s doesn’t that’s okay too

Language: English