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When you don’t have anybody that supports you and nobody’s there for and you don’t feel like you can call anybody what do you do?

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think ab how i can support myself through that n how i can work to find more support and connection going forward. reaching out to people. even if it feels silly and pointless. or even scary. and also knowing u can change ur mind at any time too. for me sometimes this is where i start: think of someone who u would want to support were they to come to u w their stuff. what would that support look like. start there. if u feel that way ab this person, u hope they will be able to do the same for u. but also knowing what the support would look like helps y to also advocate for yourself and your needs. and if that person doesn’t provide the support you need, take it at face value, do not allow it to change your worth or needs, and seek support from other people or outlets available
Mood... Hug yourself reeeaallll tight until you stop crying and just remember it's gonna be ok :) Don't forget who you are, keep your head up and smile even if things are shit. Have goals for yourself, even if they are ridiculous, so you have stuff to hopefully look forward to. And I heavily dissociate, a lot, dont recommend but good luck babes <3 You fucking got this!!!!

Language: English