
Lysa ❤

Ever thought of publishing The King's Slave too? I love that story! <3

I want to. Haha. But I think that one still needs a lot of work. It's written in first person POV and then it's switching from Seth/Aiken to Adrienne/Selene and then there are also scenes where it's Duncan's POV. I
I haven't read much published books that are written like that. So I'd have to either convert it to Third person or write everything in first person but only one POV (which is really hard too) Haha. Err. I don't really know what to do since I think what gives it vibrancy is that when it's changing POV's, the characters' thoughts and emotions are shown well.

Latest answers from Lysa ❤

I actually enjoy rainy days when I'm stuck in. They're very peaceful ... what weather do you prefer?

Rainy days too. Love sleeping when the weather is gloomy.

Are you really happy or just pretend to be happy?! ??

As they say: fake it 'til you make it.

Hey do you play Games? video games i mean coz i know you all play mind games ?

Generalize much? Lol. Yeah I play video games.

What do you learned from your first love?...

That at first love is sweet and pure and things are simple. It's a great, happy feeling. But at the same time, I learned that some things aren't meant to be and that love doesn't always last forever.

What is a super cool game on the App Store that you would recommend?

Family guy! It's like candy crush. Haha

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