

Ask @AhmEdlAa788

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I can remember the times I arrived to the highest points in life.
It was a moment out of my comfort zone.
It was me going after my passion even if it's scary.
It was always something I approach no matter how many times it failed.
It was always people pushing me beyond my capabilities.
I discovered that all the things I feared were the things I'm good at.
Believe me miracles happen outside the comfort zone and facing your scariest scenarios.
Photo by: poets.circle
I can remember the times I arrived to the highest points in life
It was a

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اللَّهمَّ ! إنِّي أسألُك الثَّباتَ في الأمرِ ، والعزيمةَ على الرُّشدِ ، وأسألُك موجِباتِ رحمتِك ، وعزائمَ مغفرتِك ، وأسألُك شُكرَ نعمتِك ، وحُسنَ عبادتِك ، وأسألُك قلبًا سليمًا ، ولسانًا صادقًا ، وأسألُك من خيرِ ما تعلَمُ ، وأعوذُ بك من شرِّ ما تعلَمُ ، وأستغفرُك لما تعلَمُ ؛ إنَّك أنت علَّامُ الغيوب.


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