
Akshay Shamma

Ask @AkshayS

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Haha.. I love my mommy too but.. I get annoyed with the things she grounds me for.. Like today she grounded me for forgetting to bring home my report card..

you american :P ?

No.. My mom is a jerk.. She took it away.. With is bbm?

Blackberry Messenger :P and n'aww shame, I love my ma, she made me tea ;)

I can't.. I am only aloud certain sites on this thing.. lol.. Facebook isn't one of them..

aww, bbm or text me :) xox

I don't have facebook.. I love rawr too..:D<3 I only have twitter and ask..

N'aw make it :) Drop me your bbm or something, I need to make twitter..... :P


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