
Akshay Shamma

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Ideal gurl? (:

I don't care about specifics, as long as she loves me for me and I love her for her

Best lookin girls u know ? ?

I know so many, I dont want to specify
but closest girls to me and that are stunning have to Alice and Selina
Liked by: grace deal

your a w*nker who progressively has gotten better at being a bullshitter and looking retarded (touching your disgusting hair)

Love you

lol remember that time you jumper on josh cobb, he didn't find it funy so he dropped you and you broke your arm, kinda embarassing infront of you whole year

Jumper into josh Cobb? I broke my leg.... Get your facts straight, and learn some grammar

have you known anyone from tiffin from before like childhood friends

Yeah, Felix, Tarun, Aneesh, Rishi and Ore

Happy Birthday, and thanks for thought of giving me Tom's broken calculator, it really didn't work ^-^

Dw man, sure you did fine anyway :)

I believe it is someone's birthday tomorrow ;) Guess who this is... ;)



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