
Alex Trajkovic

Ask @Alextrak69

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Since u can't date cause stuff you should surprise her with stuff on her birthday and valentines day

Why we aren't dating

Shut up with Alex man, he obviously doesn't want your sh_t. For the past day, I've seen you bombard him with stupid questions and comments, and it's quite annoying to see sombody bothering a good friend of mine. I believe it's time you be good to him too.

Thanks anon

If ur that upset why did you do it and I know haley is heart broken she cried all day

Yeah I did to and I did it becuz I have to straighten my life out okay? My life right now is a disaster you think I wanted to break up with Haley? I didn't but I have so much goin on in my life to the point where I was starting not to answer her and stuff and I was being a horrible bf she deserves better than me

About time you break up with her goon job man now you could get ur self a good looking girl

Honesty go fuck yourself I'm so sick of your fucking bullshit you know what honestly your a worthless white trash piece of shit you have no life by to sit here on ask and just piss people off well you know what say it to my face your little fucking bitch why not you go out and get a girl oh wait nvm you can't becuz your your a vile degenerate scumbag that needs to go fuck himself

It will hurt more to see you and just walk away then to settle more of it out

But she needs a little sleep if I talk to her she won't stop crying

Just saying I don't think she wants friends to talk to I think she wants you too but that's my perspective

In my perspective yes she wants me but it will only hurt more talking to me

U should really talk to haley

... I think she needs space from me right now and have her friends help an support her

your a great guy Alex. you deserve Nothing but the best. A broken heart is a step closer to happily ever after. So dont let those knees get week. you are a amazing guy with time that eventually Will heal It all. Things maybe be rough but not is impossible!

Thank you so much that was really nice anon thanks for helping me out
Liked by: Karen Rueda

If you don't like her anymore and ready to move on do so just don't lie to her or tell her ur cling back or tell her that u can't date cause work give her the real reason

I already did you dumb fucking dike and I still do love her who the fuck are you to tell me I'm just clinging on to her I love Haley still but I need a break I need to get my life back together I need to straighten myself out I'm not gonna be dating anyone anytime soon and you don't even know the shit I deal with so fuck you bitch

I know to never to give up and that any grind broken could always be fixed

You can't fix a grind that's out of your control

Alex, you're an amazing guy with a great personality. I'm sorry to hear about you and Haley, but you will be ok in time. it will hurt now, but don't do anything stupid, seeing you sad makes me sad, it will get better, time will heal the pain, it might suck now, but tomorrow's a new day (:

Thanks anon... Thanks for the support

Do you like another girl

No wtf is wrong with you how the fuck can you ask something like that when I'm like this if I liked another girl would I still be balling my eyes out would I even care if I liked another girl no I wouldn't and I'm not that much of a scumbag do yourself a favor and go fuck yourself don't fucking talk to me

Alex it's okay I know you probably feel like your an awful person but you're not, sometimes it's just better to spend time apart with people even if they mean the world to you and if it was meant to be you'll get back together eventually. So cheer up because you're a great person

Thank you


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