
ʿAly Farag

Ask @Alyasser93

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Just came back to tell you to leave me alone. You’re the one that’s chasing me around, I’m not trying to even talk with you. Even when I just want us to be cordial, you flirt waaaaay to much with me.

😐🤔🤨🧐 I don’t even know you to begin with lol

Do you have any pets? If so, how many, and what are their names?

Used to have 2 cats, one was a shirazi cat named “Fluffy” and another was another breed named “Simba/Leo”

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Is there a lot of people that use this app?? I've noticed it's gotten less popular ( at least I think it has)

It has lessened in use in Canada people use other apps 😐 I’m quite surprised myself too

Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?

I believe in it once my soul connects with their soul…
But I keep this quote in mind
❝I do my thing, and you do your thing. You are you, and I am I. And if in the end we end up together, it's beautiful…❞

Have you ever broken up with a friend ?

Sadly, yes…
But all passes and new people come in
You take care of who you can share everything with and depend on 😊

Which one would you rather have .. a lifetime of nightmares evey night or a lifetime of it being almost impossible to even fall asleep no matter how tired you are?

A lifetime of it being almost impossible to even fall asleep no matter how tired I am

Sweetest thing that someone has ever done to you

Sweetest thing ever done to me was being gifted by unexpected people or an unexpected person at an unexpected time.

Something that you would like to say those who read you? 😊✌

Don’t give up, just go on… 💫🌿

Are you the type who likes selective posts on feed or all followings?

I barely look at any posts 😂
But if I do then it’s all followings regardless

Do you believe there is good in everyone?

I do believe that, but it’s only when they are betrayed or mistreated or lied to or have received negativity especially from those they look up to, they have evil within…
Good can be taken away if they’re being whispered by Satan or their massive ego to discredit someone and continue to believe in it and they then go around to others creating a community of evil people…
Rumours, lies, propaganda etcetera

do you open up for people first or ??

If I can sense they deserve to know then I will open up otherwise I’m not an easy open book, you have to open me up by diving into each others souls only then, you’ll reach what you want especially any black boxes (secrets) If you trick me you’re getting a hard door slam to the face outta my life…

Be with someone who brings out the best in you, not the stress in you?

Be with someone who brings out the best in each other.
We bring the stress out of each other

Are you excited for anything?

Excited for all that’s to come soon By Allāhs permission 😍

If you could replace anything from your body,what would it be?😅

Nothing 🤪

your favourite picture from last weekend?

This Picture, not taken by me but found it and it’s just my mood since then
your favourite picture from last weekend

What is your favorite and least favorite thing about your country?

Favourite thing about Canada; Its Nature
Least Favourite thing: Its Culture


Language: English