
Amal Khattak

Ask @AmalKhattak

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Sarcastic comeback? HAHA. Oh wow. You can't even tell sarcasm from insult. Are you THAT dumb? I guess you are. Bye now. You really were a waste of time.

Actually no. I expected a sarcastic comeback from you after my last answer and baby your insults don't do a thing to me. I dont pay attention to low life losers like you okay? Oh and i was a waste of time? Well im glad to know you wasted time on me. :* It makes me so happy. Seriously anon no-one gives a fuck. Okay talk to you soon, it was great talking to youu. Byee. :*

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Just please tell me your ten favourite pretty seniors and juniors.

Anon honey now you're getting annoying. Would you please tell me who you are?

Just wanted to know your favourite pretty seniors and juniors

Im not writing so many names now? Untick maybe? I'll tell you some other time right now im quite tired.

Oh. I get it. Now that this other anon has a valid argument, you're suddenly tired haan? Good hae behn.

I just came home....i was tired but i didnt mention it before. -.-
Go annoy someone else anon.

Now I understand why people even girls hate you. You just don't know when to draw the line between arguing and insulting. I'll leave you to your narcissistic thoughts of you being little miss-im-not-desperate-at-all. I hope they help you sleep at night.

You're getting on my nerves anon. You dont even know me so quit being a judgemental little prick. If you knew me personally that would be different now keep your unwanted crappy opinions to yourself and i was not the one crossing the line you were. And babe im gonna sleep at night the way i do EVERY NIGHT. I'll leave you to come up with some other sarcastic comeback.

If you only want to entertain unticked questions then you could turn that setting on. No need to get pissed at anons upon their anonymity, because THAT was what ask.fm was MADE for.

I dont mind anonymous questions but if the anon would untick it would be better since i would know who im arguing with. So please quit hating on me dude i've done nothing wrong. Now leave me alone im really tired. Byee

I dont have an ask account Warna kar deti. And you don't know me waise bhi. I just thought you looked like a popular girl so I decided to ask you. You on the other hand simply decided to criticise me on my being "desperate". A girl being judgemental. Wow. As if judgmental boys weren't enough.

Okay listen up, you dont know me so actually you saying this makes you judgmental lol darling dont try and insult me and dont call me judgmental because if you think this is judgmental and rude you really haven't seen the world. And just for the record im not saying making friends is bad but asking for links now thats....well ill leave that to you to figure out after our little chat. Hope we could do this again in the not so near future.
Byee. :*

Messege to anon: totally get what are you trying to say lol i seriously dont wana be desperate,friends bananay walay kou desperate nai kehtay amal and untick?

Im not saying that friends bananay walay ko desperate kehtay hain. What im trying to say is asking for guys links and texting them saying i wanna be friends is desperate and kindly keep your opinions to yourself if you dont have the guts to untick.

No nooo your getting me wrong. I dont want a boyfriend -_- I just want to be friends with people. If you think that is in any way bad then that's a different story. Most people say that paragon ke boys are rude and jerks. I'm just asking for your opinion. No need to get angry at me. :\

Honey im not angry at you im just saying wanting to be friends with guys looks desperate otherwise making new friends is great. I honestly like making new friends but i dont befriend every other person okay? And as i said before there are a variety of people in every school so dont judge people by the school they go to. Btw could you maybe i dont know untick?

People say that boys from paragon are rude and insensitive. I want to ask for your opinion if you know any. And if you do know any nice boys (and if theyre on ask) I was hoping I could get their ask link and like become friends. Good non tharki people are pretty hard to come by ab. :\

First of all you should not be that desperate. You know 'wanting' to be friends with guys and all, that lowers your value. And i think you'd like to keep your self respect no? So asking for links lol that was desperate. Second being rude or kind does not depend on your school, every school has a variety of different kind of people so for future reference don't judge someone by the school they go to. So even if i knew anyone darling you woulden't get any links.....unless you tell me who you are.....lol. Okay im serious now. No links. No guys. No being desperate. That might cover it. I hope you take my advice and quit being the 'i want a boyfriend i want to know a thousand guys' type of girl.
Liked by: Yousuf Ahmed Khan

what did your mum say? and fatima,sana and noor are comming tomorrow

fatima bhi jarahi hai? noor bhi? sana bhi? seriously?
my life sucks. -.-


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