
#atomic-kitteh™ ✔️

Ask @AmartyaRaj

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10 facts about urself

1) I'd do ANYTHING for people who are there for me when I need them.
2) I rarely get provocated. x)
3) im really lazy xD
4) I value people for who they are inside not outside. c:
5) I like doing graffitti and tatoos and artsy shiz xD
6) I love anime *~*
7) I love eating (who doesn't. xD)
9) I love playing basketball <3 :*
10) I don't look happy as I seem ^_^ (then again who does. xD)
Now reveal urself plX anon v.v

Thank yoouu. ❤️ C: For the last time, im straight. ,_, Space mission. xD you left the monkey behind. ._. Thanks again. :')

BAHAHAHA it's either monkey or her v_v xD
AHAHA least I can do for my sis. xD not really. You better appreciate it xD
Liked by: Nibina.

Thoughts? C':

I was lazy to do this ._. You forced me to. .-. I hope you're happy xD you're an amazing girl c: ^^ youre homo xD you an amazing cook c: :') you love everything I love :') a sis like you is impossible to find :') remember the space mission? ;) *wink wink* xD cool for my wedding k? X'D I know I don't reply always but I want to its just that I forget :( or have too many messages so I skip yours accodentially. :c sorry :c
K you only deserve this much. Bye xD
P.s stay awesome. C: :') stay nibina :D
Liked by: EmaRati Gurl Nibina.


Language: English