
Ameer Mouaziz

Ask @AmeerMouaziz

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hai to fit *____* sambhaal kar rakho ! mein aik week tak lagaoon gi :D u knw i am in love with my current Display <3 :D to iss week tak hataana nai mainay abhe :D and Thanku for this elegant and stunning pic :*

^.^ thankssii.. lol and dont worry the picture is buttoned up.. lol

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haan buss isi ki qasar reh gayi hai .. ok janaab ok

yeh to tum dil pa la gae.. xD me to mazak kr rha tha.. :P lol

i must say ke abb mujhe bhe woh song bara passand aa gaya hai .. thanku bataanay ke liye ;)

<3 me wohi suing.. lol

Is there any person you are afraid of?

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damn man! i can feel your pain when someone tries to kiss my girl friend i break him! if you know what i mean! :D XD

^.- r u kidin me.. lol xD


Language: English