

Ask @Ameerhamzah79

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lebih kurg, hahaha xde laa. die mcm bende yg kau nak tahu pasal seseorg or nak confess tapi takut kene reject or nak kenal ke etc, mostly mmg lah x berkaitan dgn general question but this quote is mostly for me sbb...yea aku takut kene reject so byk dah prmpuan yg aku suka tapi aku x approach

Hahah betul tu, last2 orang lain yg dapat dulu. Try je. Kena friendzone takpe. At least kau dh boleh step forward
+2 answers in: “if you do not ask, the answer will always be no”

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I also not into crush in him/her. How to say .. maybe i might. It just recently.. i've known tht person for a year now. Yet i dont have any interest in tht person. It just recently. And yet i rather being alone than wasting my time to find another ppl. I sound so high right sorry ..

Sokay, nk rasa cmtu takpe. Just satu nk pesan. Sebelum nk buat smthg, pikir banyak2. Betul tak aku buat ni, n ask opinion from others. Lastly, compare between ur thought n the others opinions 😉
+4 answers in: “Im so afraid to like this one person. He/she so kind to the kid. His/her nephew of 7 yrs old just posted a vid that he/she bought them to eat. But he/she wasted tho”

If you could have anything you want for dinner tonight, what would you have?

Masakan umi, haiih baru balik dah homesick 🤒
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