

Ask @planetfreak

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knp eh? kuar dgn gurl kita yg kuar duit. mmg laki je ke yg bekerja? haha

aduh, tak tau la bro, this question has been up for debate for the longest time

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Korang ada tak bff laki yg rapat gila dgn korang mcm ada something between korang which is sweet gila lah korang ni, but one day kau tau yg dia suka kat org lain and kau rse mcm pengacau klau rapat dgn dia lagi? Pls aku confuse huhuhu

Since kitorang bff je of course la he’s free to like anyone he wants kan? You pun free to like anyone jugak ... unless you ada feelings dekat bff you tu la. But, I faham point you sis. Yes, memang akan automatically rasa macam kena ada boundaries gitu. But that means, you’re a good person la. You respect the other girl sebab tu you rasa cam kena back off gitu. And I rasa better that way untuk elakkan unnecessary dramas, sis😙

So aku mcm dah lama crush dengan kwn perempuan aku ni, dia pun ckp pasal kawin apa semua dan dia tanya aku "kau nak kawen dengan aku ke? Jom la sama2 kumpul duit" aku pun sahut la cabaran dia. Bila aku dh save hampir 20k aku tanya dia jom kawen, then dia ckp dia hanya bergurau je. 😂 baiklah

Weh sedihnya cerita kau :”( tabah la bro. Pastu apa berlaku?
Liked by: Puteri Hang Li Po

Kalau awak dirisik oleh keluarga kawan awak, awak terima tak walaupun awak tak pernah ada perasaan dekat si dia yang dah lama cintakan awak?

Probably no. If he really loves me (as a woman or a friend, especially as a friend) he would know that I tak suka if a guy terus lompat step, takde angin takde ribut terus ajak parents datang rumah merisik. As a friend, he would know that. And he wouldn’t do that if he loves and respects me. He would properly confess his feelings to me first without dragging his parents or my parents in the story cuz that’s guilt tripping. How am I supposed to reject the parents’ pure intentions??? As a friend, he would know I takkan sampai hati nak tolak the parents. That’s guilt tripping
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if the world was ending you'd come over right?

You'd come over and you'd stay the night?
Aaa this is one of my fav songs😍


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