
Brian P.

If your previous gf/bf wanted to get back together with you and have a fresh start would you?

She cheated on me and lied about it to all our friends, so, absolutely not

Latest answers from Brian P.

What animal is your biggest fear?

I’m not sure I’m afraid of any animals, though maybe because I live in the city and don’t encounter them that often
...so, I guess, bedbugs

Would you ever be friends with people who have different views to you?

That’s an extremely broad question, but I’m going to assume it means political views, and the answer nowadays is no.
I can disagree on tax policy, or how to fight against terrorism. But modern Republicans are monsters. I don’t want anyone who responds to pictures of immigrant children in cages with “it’s the parents’ fault for bringing them here” anywhere near me
“And a stranger shalt thou not wrong, neither shalt thou oppress him; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.”
-Exodus 22:21

What is the best feeling ever?

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their romantically-preferred gender

How would you turn down someone who asked you out if you weren’t interested? Would you be nice or brutal?

What’s the point of being brutal except to be cruel? Just recently I turned someone down nicely and as a result we’re still friends and everything is fine
If she had been persistent I would have been firmer, but still not cruel. There’s enough cruelty in the world already

According to you, why do people love? Or fall in love?

I honestly have no idea. I’ve run into too many examples that make no sense to have a coherent theory

Language: English