
Anastasia Rowe

Ask @Anarowe

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Who are the two people that have always been there for you through thick and thin?

Theres a few people i could say but 2 of them are george finnigan and elfen brogan :3
Liked by: Qahnaarin

How do you deal with depression?

Well this is a touchy subject so people may agree or disagree with me but what I'm about to say is just my opinion.
Depression is something you can't just jump out of, it takes time to heal yourself it can be weeks or it can be years but you have to remember its defiantly not forever. There is no certain cure for it and it depends on each person but the way I got through it is by trying to concentrate on the good things, even if its the fact someone smiled at you in the street or someone opened a door for you, the fact you have a roof to sleep under. Its easier said than done I know but get yourself into a little habit of it, everyday think of one good thing and eventually you will be able to point out more which may be able to make you smile. Its a hard battle to win as its all to do with the mind, sometimes it can spiral out of control and turn into a huge mess like a tangled ball of string which cant seem to be undone but instead of leaving it that way there are always ways to make your mind a bit clearer for example write every little problem on a piece of paper so you can visually see it and once you have done that go through every individual problem and come up with a solution for it. Even if you only solve one bad thing thats one less bad thing you have to worry about:) Another thing about depression is you have to be willing to help yourself, if you dont then you wont get any better. Just keep askinv yourself "Would I rather be happy spending as much time in my life as I can smiling or feel sad about things that arent going right?" Again these are only things that helped me and there was a lot more to it than that but its a start! This wont help everyone but its the best I can think of for now:3 I hope you're okay and that you look after yourself, if you need anything more message me personally so I can go in it with more detail for you x

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Omg you're literally perfect, you're beautiful and your hair is just...wow... You have a really cute face and you have an amazing personality, that's why I think you're perfect ! ;) x

Ahw thank you so much ^.^ it means a lot to me that you think that, even though i dont know who this is haha x
Liked by: Qahnaarin

You're too cute :/ i'm really fucking annoyed at myself because since i first started talking to you i've fallen for you and can't get back up. I can't date any people because i'm still hung up on how perfect you are. we've never even dated, i've just always liked you and now it's just sad.. ffs

Ahw :c dont be annoyed, i dont know who this is and this is really sweet but im in a relationship and theres nothing i can do to help, feelings go over time i promise you that and eventually you will meet someone who will take those feelings for me away, i dont really know what to say but im here if you need to talk, i just hope youre okay and look after yourself x
Liked by: Lucy Victoria

how do you pronounce your name? anna-stas-see-ah or anna-stay-sha

I don't really know, It can be pronounced either way :3 people say it differently all the time ^-^
Liked by: Sophiee ღ

head is do the hurty again (i told you to hit me when i do this :'c).. now i can't even sleep :c save meh, ana! xx

Of course i'm not gonna hit you xD you're just silly xD xx
Liked by: Sophiee ღ

I don't know you that well, but I heard you are an amazing girl, and from four replies I can see that is true. You look beautiful and and deserve to be happy :) x

Thank you so much ;3 it's nice to know people think of me in that way ahw :'3 who is this?X
Liked by: Sophiee ღ


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