
Anastasia Rowe

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you're so fucking gorgeous.. and you've always had a heart of gold. connor was a fucking pleb for leaving you ;3 xx

Ahw thank you lovely :3 it was his choice so xxx
Liked by: Lauren-Abi French

Oh whys that

Because he found someone else online, who lives in America but will probably never meet and decided to leave me

You're still as a bitch as you used to be then aren't you! makes me laugh that after all these years knowing you, youre still bitter about pathetic things and feel the need to be a bitch. You know what I'm on about. Come off anon next time & then see what happens, then maybe I will come off anon too

Wait what? I'm confused as I have no idea what this is about and I haven't sent any hate to anyone?:o this is a bit hypocritical as youre on anon yourself and I have no idea what going on, WuT dA FuK r U oN ABot

you ignore me yet your with connor:S

Wait what?:o i dont purposely ignore anyone? I was with Connor last night but we were alone? O.o

would you rather your hair change colour every time you sneeze or be able to conjure sprinkles from your ears?


Opinion on Conner frost!?

Connor** well hes my boyfriend, I adore him in every way. Weve had a few rough patches but we are still going strong for 7 months:3 my opinion is very high on him, and I could write a huge paragraph but he wont see it so theres not much point xD but like I said he means everything to me

Thank you, hopefully I will find the courage to message you

Go for it;3 its nothing to be ashmed or embarressed about so :3

Hey you're amazing I look up to you so much, because you suffer from depression and you seem to be dealing with it in an amazing way, I'm a guy but I wish I could be more like you when it comes to dealing with depression and self hate :( thank you for being such an inspiration as such

Ahw thank you! I appreciate that you think this of me! I only managed to do it woth the advice of my friends so! Im always here if you need to talk!

opinion on Satanism sent to all I follow

sophielouise961’s Profile PhotoQahnaarin
Considering my family are satanists I have a very high opinion on it. It is mistaken to be an evil religion and that satanists are there just to cause trauma for others where as in fact it is the complete opposite. Of coursr you get extremists but every reliogion has them! Satanism is all about treating others how you would like to be treated, justice and having human rights. People always say to me 'isnt satan the devil and isnt the devil evil?' This always makes me laugh as if you think about it if satan truly is evil, why would he punish people for being evil? Surely he would praise them for being evil? But no thats not the case! Sorry for going on about it its just i wanted people to think about it before they judge!


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