
Anastasia Rowe

Ask @Anarowe

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I respect how you make videos to help others out, others that may not be as well role modeled as yourself. I love how you haven't changed deep down. Your still the same Anaa I know and love (as a good m8) even though we have drifted apart its still great too see you still being yourself - Wood Tec

Ahw thank you, I know the reason people may think I have changed, I think it's just because of the fact I have drifted apart from the people I was close to and now everything in general is different but it means a lot that you still look at me the same way:3 I really want to know who this is now-.- but mail me sometime and we can meet up? Will be nice to see old friends again I miss you all from QE also, I'm assuming you we're in my wood tech?;) haha :P

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I've had enough its time for something real, don't respect the words you're speaking gone to far, a clone!! (8) <3

What song is that?:3 <3

well it looks like he was trying to chat you up? why didn't you tell tia, did you want him to yourself

I don't talk to him?! Can you leave please

just saw what dan said on kais ask, obviously didnt tell the whole story, youre a lying bitch, everyone always knew it

Omfg, I haven't done anything??

wil you fuck me?

What did one snowman say to the other snowman?
"Hey dude can you smell carrots"
But no

You're so vain.

It's because I'm perfect duh
Lol joke I'm not, you actually think I'm serious about it all? I only do it to wind people up:P I've never said once I think I'm perfect and actually meant it

Ok to thebasshole who told her to cover her arms stop being such an insensative cock munch and considerher fucking ffeelings and if your gonna be an asshole come off of anon you fucking coward ou are just aselfish cunt grow a fucking pair and stopbeing such a dick to such an amazing girl

kai sebastian radford
Ahw haha thank you, wasn't really expecting this, but again thanks:)

If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Give me love by Ed Sheeran or wonder wall by oasis

you arms are fucking disgusting, cover them, no one wants to see your messed up arms

I already do:S if you're on about school I can't, but I try...

Can I lie next to you in bed and pull your hair over your ear as I gently kiss your neck and remind you of how beautiful you are?

Haha ahw that's sweet, but only dan can do that:3 but thank you so much wasn't expecting someone to say that to me x
Liked by: Shannon Rose

What's the worst thing someone can do on a first date?

Eat but eat really loud
Be over friendly
Touch you up too much
Smell bad
Moan about problems the whole time
Sit there awkwardly
I could go on but you've got the idea
Liked by: Shannon Rose


Language: English