
Anastasia Rowe

Ask @Anarowe

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just delete your fucking account you attention seeking slut, and stop making stupid fucking statuses about matt he doesn't love you get over it

Calm down babesssss I'm pretty sure I'm not a slut and I know he doesn't? So why get him involved:)

because if you don't delete your account then that status on facebook was clearly for attention, you're probably hoping people will message you telling you not to delete your account when actually no one gives a fuck

Wow you people over think things way to much:L

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Bullshit, you just want attention. Also stop writing attention seeking status' that no one cares about.

Just go away? Please?

i bet you only self harm for attention no one even cares

Okay this has gone too far, you think I self harmed for attention are you fucking kidding me now, i wont normally talk about this but self harming is one of the biggest regrets of my life, I try and hide my arms from people everyday so they don't give you dirty looks or ask questions, I wouldn't scar my body for the rest of my life for a bit of attention do you really think I'm that sad?! It is a serious thing not something you mess around with because you feel like it, I had no one, I didn't know what to do with myself and that seemed like the only solution don't you dare go saying that to me if you have no fucking clue

You just read the best storyof your life. Hope you have a nice sleep tonight

Ahw I will thanks! Nice of you to say xoxox

What would you do if you woke up one day and you were tied down to your bed and your legs were spread apart and a lollipop was inside your anus and a guy's fist was inside your vagina, and a lady wearing black was standing in the corner laughing and eating a dead baby?

What did I just read...
Liked by: Lewis Hare

are you still on about the Matt thing? It happened agesssssss ago. You need to get your head out your ass and get over him

Maybe things happened ages ago but things are still happening now fuck off
Liked by: Lewis Hare

Do you like short or long hair on someone of the opposite sex?

I don't like boys with really long hair or really short but mid-length:) like just above there eyes or something!

Yeah life isn't about cliques!! Being individual is good cuz it shows we're not like everyone else and people who spend their time with the same people just turn into eachother and become giant bitches. :3 personally you're really nice and if people don't like it they can go and find a hole x

Haha well everyone can be a bitch I guess but that's life! Even I am and I know I can be:/! Ahh well, like I said message me!x

I know and it's unfair for people to slag you off when you barely spoke to them in the first place. And it's fine not sticking with the same people, I don't cuz why be unhappy in one place than move around a bit a be happier? You deserve to be happy!! Like people give me tones so I understand x

Hmm I know people are just finding anything to start banter on-_- and that's what I think? I can have more than one group of friends haha! Mail me??^.^x


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