
Anastasia Rowe

Ask @Anarowe

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Bullshit did your dad delete that photo, just another excuse to upload a picture of you half naked. No need to apologise for the photo being deleted, it's not like we cared.

Look on my profile, my dad even admitted it? hahaha i can send you the print screen of the conversation me and him had:)and its my legs sorry for being so slutty;)

I have an honest question and i'm not trying to bitchy, but I read all the comments in your last picture saying about you're showing a bit too much and you portrayed that you didn't like the attention but why then change your picture to something that will provoke the same response?...

Its only legs? why will people get so offended by that? nd why should i care what they think anyway?

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i never said i've been through depression, i just said i could've been through something pretty big without going on about it all the time.

People ask me questions about it, so i will tell them, and its generally for advice, and i have been through something "pretty big" without telling anyone. only people on here know ive had depression and people have mentioned it what...twice/three times? haha

i'm anon, you don't know who i am or what i could've been through myself. maybe i have been through shit without telling anyone? you are a fucking attention seeker, lets face it, just put your tits away they're not even that nice, and stop going on about your "depression" and your fucking ex.

If you went through depression yourself you would know not to be so fucking horrible to other people? You don't know what i've been through either, like literally have no clue, i talked about my ex yes, but not anymore, why are you so fucking pathetic, say this to my face, i don't want attention on that do i? that's fucking serious, depression isn't something you should use for attention, Only one person knows my whole story. because if i ever considered telling people i would be "attention seeking"

going on about your depression? attention seeking much... that should be something you keep to yourself and only tell your close friends and family about, not the whole fuckin world

What the fucks wrong with you? i Never told anyone when i had it? i'm over it now, so i should be able to talk about it, consider peoples feelings you inconsiderate cunt, if it was you,you would have probably told loads of people. fuck you

You looked so much better with brown hair and less make up

That's your opinion But hey ho:) I'm wearing the same amount as when i had brown hair anyway tho

so thoughts on tia and kai

Well i don't know what happened when they were together or what they were like, but he was a little bit of a dick to her at the end when they broke up, I'm sure you've heard the whole story, but I don't really know, Tia is lovely and she really pretty and Kai seems alright I guess

0__o no way are all boys idiots

No, not all boys are idiots, just the ones I've been with have been, but life goes on, I can't push away every boy because a few have hurt me in the past! If I'm honest I do want another boyfriend in a way, I'm just not attracted and close enough to anyone yet:/!

do you honestly wanna know whats important to me? you thats all i care about and all i can think about its taken all i got just to keep my distance but it doesnt work

I don't know what to reply:( it's hard:/...you know I've been in the exact same situation, and I want to be able to make you happy, but I can't if you like me:( well...you said it's more than that so I'm not sure, I've never been in this situation before, just trust me on this, things will get a lot easier, it's been 2/3 weeks since we have talked so you are doing really well, i will talk to you I just think it's best for you, just don't do anything stupid, you promised you wouldn't..x
Liked by: queen isabelle

haha thats what i thought then i gave in and said something to you, all came back :(

I've always said this to you, no matter how shit things seems, no matter how terrible things may feel, as soon as you hit rock bottom all you can go is up, you don't need me, you're your own person, and you can be happy with or with out me, You know I am always here for you, even if you think I hate you, I never will:) you're to much of a nice person to, just concentrate on yourself, I have plenty of support, and you helped me so it's my turn to return the favour, keep your head held high and focus on the important things okay?:')

im so glad you are happy now and i hope you stay that way baby i really do, i promised you i would leave you alone but as it turns out i cant

I know who this is, it's okay honestly:) and thank you, yes everything seems to be perfect at the moment:') I just hope you are okay...

its oh my you look amazingly amazing,and dear person below me fuck off if you dont like her why bother talking to her and stop being a fucking pussy about it untick the anon box if your gonna insult people

Haha ahw thanks:)! Who is this mail me! And again thanks, there's a lot worse than what's in my picture so!xxx

silly littlr girl, put your disgusting breasts away and earn your self some respect.

Wow, there's girls who are in there bikinis, showing there asses, and I have a bit of cleavage, and it's the worlds end, hahaha stop telling me what to do, I've had enough of people ordering me around:) delete me if you don't like it sweetie xoxox

What are you most proud of?

Getting out of my depression...it may seem stupid to other people, but that was one of the biggest achievements, took me ages to get there, and I thought it would never end, but it has, and now, I'm happy:')


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