
Anastasia Rowe

Ask @Anarowe

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i get angry everyday about it, about ana & kai everyday since i found it. i dont give her shit on ask.fm, i'd give her shit in mail instead:L so let them get the fuck on with whatever init. i know youre trying to be a good friend to me anon. but i believe in karmaa so yeah just let them deal with it

The thing is no one was there Tia, everyone imagines it the worst way it could possibly be, it's not like I kissed back, so why is there karma for me? I've lost you as a friend for something I tried to make better as well as many other people, isn't that karma enough??? I tried to do what's right by telling you, thank you for sticking up for me I do appreciate it and I'm not trying to have a go at you, I just don't understand why people can't be as civil as you and they have to stick their nose into shit:/!!!

just stop asking her questions. we know if what shes saying is true or not, i certainly do. and im guessing the anon person is someone close to me and i know you have the same view as me most likely.. but seriously, if you wanna be my mate, do it for me in person, not on ask.fm. (next question)

I'll answer properly on the next one then

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YOU DIDNT PULL AWAY! YOU KISSED, PECKED, THEn PULLED AWAY! THERES A DIFFERENCE! TOUCHING, and NOT TOUCHING! you TOUCHED LIPS. KISSED. and i do know you ana, i really do. and im not causing shit, you just cant deal with the shit that you cause so you act all innocent and lick ass. " i didnt kiss him"

Someone's getting stressy, who lit the fuse on your tampon hahaha

yes it will make a difference that kai and rhys are friends as ive heard that rhys keeps inviting kai over yours to chill with him. bet you enjoy that. and yeah you are horrible. im saying you were kais rebound. and you obviously gave him the wrong vibe otherwise he wouldnt of tried?

Hahahahahahaha oh my god, Kai does not come to my house! To be honest I doubt you even know me, you're just judging me by this whole shitty situation and going "omg something interesting in my life I can cause shit on" and even if he was trying to get me to be his rebound I could really care less, I don't talk to him and I don't plan to again either?:L and yeah maybe I did, I was being nice, but people seem to get the wrong impression that if you're trying to be friendly to someone they automatically assume you want them in your pants hahahahaha


OMFG!! But I'm not?:) if you read everything, I pulled away:D

i will not come off anon because tia doesnt know who's been sticking up for her and telling you what a horrible bitch you are.. and i'd rather keep it that way!

Yep I'm horrible. Don't you think what you're doing on here is all lovely and innocent?? Just mail me on fucking Facebook, I won't give a shit who you are, you're just being a cunt, it's probably one of Tia's friends anyway hahahaha

so why put someone through that? so are self centred. you were lonely, and kai is rebound. but kai's also the guy tia loves. great one, great friend. hope you feel bad. hope you feel shit about it, because she certainly does, and will never forget what you've done to her. & i will not come off anon.

I didn't intend to put Tia through anything? I didn't know Kai was going to do that did I? And no I wasn't lonely, I still had Matt, and even if I didn't I wouldn't use someone to make me happy??:L I have my family and friends to be there for me, and how was Kai a rebound if I never wanted to kiss him?? And yes I did feel bad, just because everyone is blaming me for everything, when they know fuck all! And mail me on Facebook then? You're just a fucking pussy

If you could be invisible for one hour, where would you go and what you would you do?

I would go everywhere and scare people to death:O

liar still. you know what youve done tinking youre all innocent

Look "hun" everyone's moved on and I really couldn't give less a shit:) I've proved my point to the people I need to and that's all I care about, so would you now like to fuck off^.^

Wasn't me that said it before but I'm saying it now! stop talking to ana you retard! Its how all this started in the first place! just please stop!:'( it doesn't matter what people say!:( And ana, stop replying to him! You shouldn't care about his opinion and what he has to say.. Just ignore him!:(

Okay I'm sorry! If he sends a question ill delete it sweet!

No fat midget was the nice way of putting it.

Like I said. Fuck you, why put people down on their weight? It's fucking pathetic, I really couldn't give a shit if you think I'm fat so why even put it? Hahahaha honestly fuck off

well that was a tad mean, it was just an honest question? so is that a no or?

Oh sorry and fat midget isn't? My bad. No.

ok, to be perfectly honest that one thing i did that wasn't on anonymous was the only thing i've said, why do you all assume it's me?

I'm guessing this is Kai, well if I were you I would just ignore it all! Everything else people get there selves involved in is there problem now

hottest/prettiest girls in year 10 at stlukes? honest opinion of girls that catch your eye!

There are so many pretty girls in st Luke's! Gemma Burnett, Laura price, Kate ward, Caitlin boulton, Ashleigh burns, there's like a list haha


Language: English