
Anastasia Rowe

Ask @Anarowe

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I don't like seeing you hurt, hes probably the main cause of your depression and you're letting him get away with it by giving him attention, no matter what he says to you, people don't change that easily x

I don't like seeing you hurt either knowing that I'm probably the reason for it, and like you said karmas a bitch;)x

I can't, not yet, and because I go to speak to you and I just see him in my head, so... But matts a dick and you should of cut him off ages ago. And I've known Kai ages, doesn't mean we haven't been through more together. Just I've left him and never looked back, you look back and get hurt more. X

I know:/..because I feel it's impossible to leave him, look, I will give you your time but Tia I've known you since like year 3, I don't want to loose our friendship, I just want things to be the way they used to be and for us to be good friends again, matts a dick and stuff I know but i guess that's my problem I need to sort out haha! Just..please don't let our friendship go to waste :/x

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But if my mate done that, what mate are they? I understand you tried to prevent it, and you didn't ell me straight away, you said you kept an eye and shit but idgaf about that! I'm not on about any of that just listen! I'm saying I want to be friends with you, but it so difficult to be.,

Well talk to me then...

I know what you're going through I'm not stupid. But you're not the only one who goes through stuff ana. Yes you have depression and I never said the last question asked was anything to do with Kai:L yes I'm Hirt by him but it doesn't mean every word I say is fucked:L and yes Caitlin did that,

I never said I was did I, but maybe we need to just get over this now because its ridiculous, you don't know half the shit that's happened with me and matt that I just brushed off which was probably a lot worse than this thing, i understand that you love him, it's hard I know, but honestly, why fall out over this?! So how do I keep reminding you if we don't even talk

Yeah you know what else you could do next time you're on a computer don't you. Like you said... Yes? Goooood

None of this makes sense. If you have something against me tell me to my face, I would love to see that happen

And that Matt question is harsh as fuck. But common, if you feel that way, not talk to him! Are you silly? I'm doing the same with my guy and you know exactly who I am. I physically cannot talk to you properly because it just pissed me off so much to know what he did to me, you remind me every sec

Look I've tried so fucking hard with you, and with everyone, it's not like I fucked him I know that whole thing would have pissed me of but I don't like to name and shame but caitlin done the same shit with matt (in a different way not physical) but i looked past it because my friendship with her meant a lot more to me than a shitty thing that happened over a boy one of my so called friends fucked matt while I was going out with him, and yet i still talk to her, yeah what happened was harsh as fuck and I feel fucking terrible, but I'm going through fucking depression right now and i dont need all this shit from your friends and what not being called a slut for a kiss i tried to prevent I done what I thought was right, and I told you straight away, I've tried explaining to you but nothing seems good enough to anyone anymore, you will probably hate me after saying this but you do anyway. Well.."strongly dislike me" I'm still here for you, but I feel like I have no one, okay?! I'm just fed up of everyone think I'm the bad person in this. And how am I reminding you?! I don't talk about it, people message me on here an I reply. The last question had nothing to do with Kai so now you're bringing it on yourself. I still want you as a fried but obviously I'm not getting that so I give up.

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ok! & haha unlucky! sort it out then? <3

I don't know how>.<! I think I need to completely reset my phone but that will get rid of everything:/<3

or do you want me to mail you now? & course :P <3

Yeah sure^.^ and honestly:O loads of people think I'm ignoring them and I'm not:(<3

good & thanks! hmm later not on fb at the moment :( <3

Okay we'll just message me later! (If I don't reply it's because my messages are all annoying and messed up)<3

I really fancy you, but you're not even aware that I exist. I think you're real pretty and sweet, and I hope you find someone who will look after you.

AHW:')! I'm sure i do^.^ just mail me honestly if you don't want me to tell anyone I won't, and what's the worst that can happen?:)

hope your ok! you dont deserve it! always here for you love you <3<3

Yeah I'm fine thank you! I am here for you as we'll even though I don't know who you are, love you too, mail me?<3


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