
Anastasia Rowe

Ask @Anarowe

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Ellie has a very good point, you sucked up to everyone when you were at the school, now you've left you're saying we're all two faced 'sluts and dicks' and ignorant cunts, if you were still at the school theres no way you'd have said that, come back to qe in a few months i dare you

Okay, I'm not pointing it straight at anyone am I? And I never literally meant everyone? If people are being horrible to me I have the right to stick up for myself? If "everyone" is glad I left then im going to aim it to those people that is saying it which is supposedly everyone, why do you care, I never really had a problem with anyone I liked most people but as soon as I left people were horrible to me and now im the bad person?:L come of anon. I dare you.

How was everyone from qe to faced?

Not everyone was two faced but a lot were as they were nice to my face but supposedly bitched about me behind my back

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You did, in one of your answers you said 'everyone there was bitchy or two faved or something, its just means that you're the two faced one if as soon as you don't have to see us everyday, you begin to gob off about us hhahaaha

Ellie Price
I didn't literally mean everyone?:S and they have only started saying stuff like this when I left and it's on anonymous so how am I meant to say it to there face if I don't know who it is?...

I'm sorry, but if you hated everyone at qe, then why did you suck up to so many people, stay for so long, and always hang round with different people? I know I never did anything wrong to you so I think its fucking stupid of you to write how you hated everyone!

Ellie Price
I never said I hated everyone, I obviously had people I like there but I know a lot of the people didn't like me, the reason I stayed was because that was the school closest to me, I moved away because when I moved back with my mum it was too far, else I would still be there, and I know I talked to different people, they were nice to my face but I was always told they bitched About me as soon as I left I don't know, and I've never had a problem with you either, thanks for coming off anon by the way ahaa

I think your really beautiful And I just feel really bad for you, especially seeing how some people treat you, I think the people who hate on you or are just genuinely mean are some of the most pathetic people I have ever seen!!:@ makes me mad to see such a gorgeous girl get put down!!<3

Ahw thank you! I don't know not everyone likes me! But everyone has there haters, and they are going to hate! Haha but again thank you it means a lot:')<3

What is it like having periods? Are they painful at all? x

THE WORST!!! You don't just get stomach cramps you get really bad back ache too, and with some people it makes them anaemic meaning they always get really light headed, it feels like someone has got a knife stabbed it into you and twisted it or something, it's mortifying, you also have mood swings first you're like "you're nice I like you" and a second later you're like "DIE, ROT IN HELL I HATE YOU!!!!" Periods are the worst x

i guess thats true, but on a more shallow point of view i still wish i was you haha

Hmm:/...if you knew everything you wouldn't but still thank you, mail me please?:)xx

Yeah you know me :) and you probably know bit I'll inbox you tomorrow xx

Okay well have a good night anyway!!xxx

:( I sent you my Facebook address..

I generally didn't get a question like that, send it again, by the way I'm only going to message you:) I don't add strangers haha sorry

Yep cuz if you did guess who I was then you'll realize not to turn out like me :) soo keep smiling and I'm here for ya xx

Your name begins with a V yeah? And I have no idea what's happened?:Oxx

Haha I'll message you then and I hope your not too depressed anymore :/ xx

Yeah! And ill get better in the end! When you hit the bottom the only way you can go is up:3xx

Haha thankyou :) I hoped you guessed right xD yep I wish I talked to you at qe a bit cuz you looked really nice and that :3 xx

It's okay! And you can still talk to me now??:)xx

Oh haha ok ^.^ well we didn't really know eachother you just let me on with you cuz I was a loner and had nobody else to go on with haha :) and have fun at isca xx

Haha ahw I know who you are now:') thank you, have fun with everything else okay and good luck with the future:3 you also deserve to be happy and stuff xx

i'm so jealous of you...you're so beautiful and funny and i'm just...nothing

Wow, you shouldn't be jealous of me, I'm just me I'm my own person just like you are! Everyone is beautiful in there own way including yourself, no matter what anyone else thinks, you are who you are because of the stuff you've been through and because of the way you want to be, and you can become anything you want to! I'm so flattered to be reading this ahw thank you, but honestly, never wish you are anyone else because there are only one of you, and even you make a difference to the world<3

Aww I don't want you to move!! Take me with you?! Seriously qe is full of litlle shits and you don't really deserve the crap you get! Even though we've never really spoke you're still nice and I went on the Walters with you at the fair :) xx

Ahw! I went on the Walters with a few people! Haha, thank you:') and I know but I guess you have to ignore them!xx


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