
Anastasia Rowe

Ask @Anarowe

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I'm so proud of you and have so much respect for you... You're so brave, and I thought I'd do this off anon to show that I support you all the way and that I care c: -Nathan Simmons x

Ahw thank you:3 it means a lot! You know I'm always here! :3 x
Liked by: itsAamon

You used to be so pretty.. Now your just a state!! Hahahahahahah

Aren't you a ray of sunshine, I'm sure you're nothing special either. Just a pathetic piece of shit who can't even come of anonymous xD just because I've changed the way I dress doesn't make me a state darling. I'm still exactly the same, if you base looks on the way someone chooses to be than how their face actually is then you are generally stupid, lol k bye

Your sucha brave person, never spoke to you but you seem like a lovely person so proud off you if u want I will pop up on Facebook?❤️❤️

This is really sweet thank you, please do you seem lovely as we'll ❤️❤️

All the people being horrible are idiots! You were so brave uploading those photos! Ignore them all!

Just shows me who is a good friend and who isn't so it doesn't bother me and thank you:3

you clearly posted your ask.fm link so people would give you hate and you could get more pity from it.

We'll if I did you're giving me exactly what I want so stop it? xD

wish i was as brave as you.... ur stunning wish i was just like you i know you go though shit but ur beautiful stunning but altogether u just walk around with a smile could you give me ur back bone..... ur such a role model i love you to bits for everything <3<3<3<3

Ahw thank you so much, I never thought I'd do anything like that but I just wanted to get my point across :3 again thank you it means a lot <3<3<3

why do you feel the need to show the world your scars? Fair enough your not ashamed blah blah but i also have self harm scars and i just keep it to myself, the world doesn't need to know personal things like that...cry for attention?

No if you read carefully it's for other people showing them they shouldn't be ashamed, I'm talking for everyone out there who is scared to be themselves an I'm fed up of people being judgemental pricks like you xD
Liked by: Danaa Freya Harvey

what do you see in Karma? he's a complete utter cunt

You see I'm fed up of becoming friends with someone and people come up to me and say 'why are you friends with them they're a dick' we'll here's the thing, everybody makes mistakes in the past, everybody can do something silly to give them a bad reputation, but of that person hasn't done anything bad to me then I don't give a shit what they've done in the past, I'm not gonna not be friends with someone because of peoples opinons, for all I know they could be the nicest person to me so why should I judge them on what they do if it's not my business :) I'm not saying this just about karma I'm saying this about several people who I'm friends with who are supposedly 'horrible' but because this is about karma he has been nice to me so I'm friends with him! Simple xD


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