
Anastasia Rowe

Ask @Anarowe

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If I feel like cutting myself how should I stop?

Don't do it, jump up and down, run outside and back in, go crazy do anything to take your mind of it just don't do it, sing to Justin bieber or slipknot or anything just don't do it once you start you don't stop

If you had to choose a type of color that you thought represented yourself, which would it be?

Probably black because I'm so boring and depressing lol

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I don't, I've deleted most of my accounts on things because most people annoy me on them. Yeah people are like that

Ahh fair enough:/ well stay strong, and I'm always here if you need advice x

What was your first opinion on Dan?

My first opinion?
I thought he was so good looking when I first met him, he was polite and sweet but he seemed really shy at first, we were both kinda awkward:3
We then got hot chocolates from costa and went back to his house, he was more open by now and he was really funny^.^!
I thought he had amazing hair, a cute smile, really nice eyes and I thought he was way out of my league but hey! I've got him now:3

What songs can you play on piano?

Mad world
Someone like you
Halo 3 theme tune
Fur Elise kinda
Small bump
Dog days are over
Stay by rhianna
Flood time (half of it anyway) grade 5 piece
Coffin by black veil brides because I sounds cool on piano
And some other songs I don't know the name of :)

What is your favourite overall song?


Is you a swagalicious bitch? Of course because you are my swagalicious bitch SwAg MeHt


what's your life story?

Oh god ill try and make it short and I'm not going to include everything because its kinda personal but her goes
When I was about 6 weeks old I ended up in intensive care because I stopped breathing and had bronchitis
After I came out of hospital ( I was in there for about 2 months) I kept going in and out of there and was basically my second home.
When I was about 6 months old, my dad kinda left me, he was only 15 when he had me so I don't blame him, I didn't see him for years after that and I don't think he meant to but he would promise to see me and then let me down when I was about 7 years old, he said a lot of stuff that he never meant he just didn't know what to do with me I guess, I see him about once or twice a year now though:)
My mum also had really bad depression and anxiety, so I never really saw her come out of her room much when I was young, she's better now though:3 it was just horrible knowing your mums always upset and you're so young that you can't even help her
My mum used to cut, and has a lot of scars on her arm, so when I was a kid people used to say to me your mum should be in a mental hospital blah blah blah and it upset me because I knew she was like everyone else but had her reasonable problems, no one really understood because we were young roughly about 9 years old haha
Nothing really happened much after that except me still going in and out of hospital but when I was 13 I met matt..he kinda messed things up I guess, when I was 14 we started going out, and of course he took my virginity and I can honestly say I loved him, I was with him for about a year, but he always used to cheat on me, lie to me and just break my heart over and over...there's a lot more stuff I would rather not say about him but that was a pretty traumatising relationship, during that time I moved in with my nan and then moved to QE, it was generally a good school, by I then got depression myself, and just never wanted to get up, I missed 6 months off school and I guess it's ruined my education, i then moved back with my mum and changed schools to isca, I self harmed a lot, people don't really understand why because well I never want to tell people, only a few people know everything:S but I'm still depressed now...but I'm happier than I used to be, I try not to be miserable but I don't know sometimes you just break, I have dan now and he makes me happy, he's perfect towards me, I can't really say there's much wrong now but things still need to be fixed, I'm obviously over matt now as well haha just saying before you all give me shit, it's not really that bad I tried to keep it simple there's a lot more stuff but oh we'll that my basic life story that I will say to people:)

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I don't have fb :c and I don't want to say too much on here but I hope you're okay. I've sh-ed for 9 months and it's not good, just hope yours isn't too bad and stay strong ok <3

Do you have Skype or anything? I want to help and I would say but people will probably think I'm an attention seeker:( for some people it takes years to over come its addictive and well the first time I ever done it was over a year ago I think<3

Omg omg omg dan is the sweetest person ever look what he wrote to me ahw ahw ahw!!! Best boyfriend ever, this proves he isn't a dick to all the people that say he's using me.

Anastasia Rowe
Look at his last answer.

Sorry this is kind of a personal question but how long have you been cutting? And do people ever ask about it?

It's fine! Have you got me on Facebook? Pop up I won't judge you no matter who you are xx

I like your hair when it's really big, I don't see why people say it's horrible and that you need to brush it and stuff. It looks fab xo

Ahw thank you! I don't get why either, they shouldn't care how I do my hair!xx


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