
Anastasia Rowe

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are you depressed? answer honestly ive seen scars on your arm

Blah, gonna get a lot of hate for this but whatever shouldn't really be ashamed to hide it
In all honesty, yes I am depressed, I have been for what a year now. I haven't really told anyone except people like my mum, dan, Caitlin and just people I'm close to, but being depressed isn't really all that bad, I mean it's not nice but you can't be like it forever, it's been a long time since I've properly been happy but I know I'll get there in the end, just kinda keep looking to the future I guess. Also yes I do have scars/cuts or whatever on my arms, and admittedly I hate them, I hate them being there which is silly I know since I put them there in the first place, at the time it seems like the right thing to do, the only way I can describe why I do it, is because it makes all my bad feelings and thoughts go away, as it transfers into physical pain instead of emotional, but it's more than that as well, like I want to stop and I am:D (to anyone who reads this never result to self harm, it's not really good in anyway shape or form) people are gonna probably say to me "you're an attention seeker omg" and all that shit, but this is the first time in a year I've been open about it, as you can see someone has asked me, aha, I'm just being honest, this is the first and last time I will say anything like this, but I'm judged everywhere I go anyway, so why does it matter if anons say things to me as well, it doesn't effect me:) also before people start going to me "you're not depressed you have nothing to be depressed about" we'll yes I am, a lot of stuff has happened in my past but I don't choose to tell people because I end up getting called an attention seeker, anyway that's my paragraph about my depression #dont hate me cuz u ain't me xox

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1) no :( 2) I don't even know, probably telling my sister I met Justin viewer in town and she started crying and ran out the door hahaha 3) being with people I'm close to and just going out somewhere :) 4) that scary girl from the evil deaf was trying to kill me but then we suddenly got on idek it's weird and 5) that even if someone's been horrible to me, or if they though I hated them I would still give them advice and help if they needed it:P<3

You could ask your parents maybe? It's for nutella, people MUST give you money for it :') <3

Nah if they had money they would just buy Nutella for themselves
1 like = 1p towards me buying Nutella ;)<3

It is, it's the best of the best :') So do I, I might go out and buy some:D <3

Omg I would but I have no money:( spare change anyone? #givesparechangetomesoicanbuynutella <3

I do as well :D I f****** love the stuff! It's the best when it's a new jar and I'm the first to take a spoonful :') <3

The first spoonful is always the best, nom nom nom, I really want some now:(<3

We should be really good buddies :') Do you like nutella? <3

Yes:D OMFG IT'S THE BEST THING IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD I buy pots of it and just eat it all with a spoon, it's so so nice o.O <3

Whoever your bf is if he breaks up with you he doesn't deserve you you are beautiful xx

Hmm, he's not breaking up with me either...I feel like i don't deserve him but thanks:/xx


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