
Anastasia Rowe

Ask @Anarowe

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but you have every right to hate him for what he did he didnt even do it to me and i hate him, come see me then ;) xx and you are babe sorry :/

Blah I don't know:/ and effort;) what ever;)
Liked by: ☺Tiegan ✌

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i just wanna kiss your lips, the ones between your hips, if i cash in all my chips on you then baby i'd be rich

Sexy please text me I'm ready for you, waiting I'm begging so please get here soon(8)
Liked by: ☺Tiegan ✌

just read that nice big paragraph a few questions down and i know what happend i think he is a cunt but i think your amazing for being there for him when he truly does not deserve it but anyway you are amazing dont listen to the pricks who tell you differant. p.s i miss you and you are a hipster ;)

Ahw I know who this is, haha well there's no point hating someone if you could just be friends with them, not that it's working very well but I'm trying, but oh we'll don't know if I can care much longer about him if he doesn't even give a shit himself! And I miss you too, I'm not shush ahaha
Liked by: ☺Tiegan ✌

your fucking hot, i want you in my bed ;) xx

Half the messages I get like these on here are from people like 200 miles away from me hahaha but thanks I guess xx
Liked by: ☺Tiegan ✌

What makes someone attractive?

Nice eyes
Nice hair
Nice smile
If they are funny
Caring but if they don't show it until they need to
If they have a 6 pack or v lines o.O
Good dress sense eg. Snapbacks jeans etc
When they don't bitch
Quite a lot haha if you have all that come to me now

I know i sound like a beg but im trying to get 45k likes in under 5.5k answers, so could you please like some on my answers?x

Like some back then sure:)x

Hahah what? If you 'hate' him then why the fuck would it hurt you? :L you're just asking for attention and sympathy. He's moved on and is happy. He found it hard but he has, you don't need to talk about him behind his back because of it

Okay for 1 you obviously don't know anything? It doesn't mean I'm going to forget everything he has done? Yes I may strongly dislike him but I'm still not completely fucking over him yet, he knows how I feel and It's not exactly horrible is it? I've always said things I thought to his face, like literally everything, the reason I'm not saying this to his face is because I'm not getting Involved in his relationship, it's just funny because there's so much shit I could still say like a month ago the last time i really properly talked to him he was saying how he has strong feelings for me, and how he still loves me a "bit" and moved on in a month, is a mind fuck! I've always said he has good parts to him if you've actually talked to me in person about it, and you obviously haven't tried to talk to me properly about it, he never found it hard either, maybe difficult at points, but he way always happy one way or another, why are you even sticking up for him or even getting involved? And why the fuck even say I'm looking for attention? I mean seriously people look at me as this attention seeking bitch all the time, and no one ever EVER believes me when I say it because no one ever listen to me as they all look down on me (not literally everyone-_-) but I can promise you, I'm really not attention seeking, I don't understand how little things like that brings you attention? I don't see how I'm in the wrong at the moment, he knows I've been saying stuff about him because I'm upset by what I've done, I'm pretty sure you would be too if it happened to you, but I bet you didn't know this either, I have stuck with him through everything when he has needed me, I tried my best to always be there for him, and to still make him happy when he really needed it. Even when I thought I truly hated him, I will always be there for him and he knows it, so stop assuming things, you literally know fuck all? Not many people really do to be honest, I've talked to them about stuff but I have only told about 4 people everything. Bye

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Ok, so why is it that you're always saying you hate Matt, but then you dig at him when he tries to move on......

Ok so for 1. I've blocked him, I ignore him and no longer talk to him, 2) yes of corse I hate him but it still hurts? 3) I just said I'm confused? I only found out because people are telling me so uhm yeah don't assume you know shit, I'm not digging at him because i put a status, he has no idea i even put it up i am just confused okay? Yeah

Ignore that person. You are stunning. And you get more beautiful in every picture.

Thank you so much max, you're so lovely it's unreal, and we like all the same music which is awesome haha ahw x

No. she gets uglier and uglier every picture

Could not have read this at a worse time...thanks:/ to be honest I really couldn't give a shit, just because you think I'm uglier doesn't mean you should be horrible? Fucking hell

You get better and better every picture :o

Haha ahw really? Thank you:')! I need a new one now really haha xx


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