
Anastasia Rowe

Ask @Anarowe

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Actually random anon commenting on Ellies she has a shit view. Ana never said she hated everyone at qe. And I'm pretty sure everyone has called alot of people at qe a dick etc so what if she has. I'm sure anaa has a good reason for it she said she doesn't have a problem with someone who hasn't done

Thankyou, the only reason ive said all this stuff anyway is because someone said something like "you dont realise how glad people are now you have left QE" i was referring to the everyone they are on abouut anyway i wasnt directing it at anyone, i liked most people and if people are going to start bitching at me when ive gone and i dont know who they are then i cant exactly say it too thier faces either, otherwise i would:/ i never really had a close friend in qe hence why i didnt stick around with one group of friends but i still liked most people, everyone has the wrong idea of me because they never give me a chance or let me be myself because im 'attention seeking' i dont know but sorry to the people i offended or whatever, if you havent bitched about me and you generally get on with me i like you but the people who are always slagging me off and what not do one:)

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I don't really know you and I don't know what's happened! But Don't let these haters put you down! Look for the future :)Xx

Thank you:) and just stuff that is really uneccercary haha:/! but i will^.^xx

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post a picture that isnt your dp and whoever likes it think your hot/pretty?

I don't like this photo but its the only other one of me i dont have as my profile picure:S
ready for 0 likes hahaha

I dont wanna be big headed but, i have all those things, i dont care if she has a lazy day or how she looks, i have a really good sense of humour, i get on really well with people, im honest and would never cheat and i wanna be there for a girl but no girl ever goes far enough for me to show them:'(

This is cute ahw, message me???:')xxx

Do you hate most people in QE? I mean I like you and respect you even though we don't talk though, i hope you don't hate me:/

I don't hate anyone!! Well 2 people but hey ho, I liked most people until I left as they all started to be horrible to me on here I have no Idea who it is and they are saying "everyone" blah blah blah, if I generally get on with you then no!! Also if ive never talked to you i have no reason to hate you at all:3 pop up^.^x

Ignore the haters. Your pp is gorg. Your gorg. And I think I love you <3

Haters gon' hate;) and ahw:')!! Not literally though?:O<3

You're beautiful and your figure is amazing, don't listen to any of these guys! And you have great music taste, You Me At Six are cool!

Thank you! I'm trying to not let it effect me haha:)!x

What do you look for in a boy? xx;)

Someone who has a good sense of humour, who is a good listener and who is open with me, who can mess around and won't care if I have messy hair and if i am having a lazy day in joggers haha! Someone who will be there for me, wont lie or cheat! And they will have to get on with my family! And also they have to smell nice hahaha xx
Liked by: Liam Evans

saying that no one liked her at QE is a perfect example of why she should say those things about the people that went there. you answered your own question mate

Again!! What that person said!^^

have some people got nothing better to do? just because you're insecure about yourself don't take it out on others. besides - 'half naked wobbly body' half naked would be missing half her clothes.... i think shes perfectly clothed and she has a great body so grow up

Thank you:) I don't understand why I have so much hate all of a sudden haha:/!

Well actually, being two faced enough to have your head so far up everyones arses at qe, thennnnn going on to calling thim 'ignorant cunts' 'bitches' 'sluts' 'dicks' and whatever the fuck you came u with, is actually counted as 'something wrong' no one fucking liked you

The only reason I'm saying that is because they are all being horrible to me now I've left?! I wouldn't have said it if they aren't being horrible??? I liked most people I heard a few things every now and again yeah but I ignored it at the time? I never thought I had me head up anyone's arses as I treated most people the same and was myself and I know that now?:L you've said it enough

just ignore some of the anon's, they're being so pathetic it's quite funny:L they literally have nothing insulting to actually say about you, just picking out every little thing, you're absolutely gorgeous :') <3

Thank you I appreciate this!!! Mail me please?:')<3

im sorry but there is a like button for a reason, she can't make people like her photos but people just do because she is gorgeous and people like her. unlike you, jealous twat. ily ana x

Ahw:') thank you!! People are being such twats for no apparent reason except I stuck up for my self:/... Oh god-_- but again thank you I'm sure I love you too!!!x

You're profile picture is the funniest thing in the whole entire world, get some self respect you dont need to be naked for people to like you, and i dont really want to look at your half naked wobbly body

But I'm not naked lol...and thanks for the insults come off anon?

Lol would have loved for you to have gined up the guts to tell the people at qe how ignorant and bitchyll are! Don't expect you can't now you've left and have no fucking karma come back in hit you in the face! Fucking shocking

They all recently started to be bitchy?! I don't know who they are they are on anonymous like you?! And "karma" won't hit me in the face as I've done nothing wrong....

Answer my question instead of being all gobby and maybe the attention thing comes from the lack of clothes in all of your recent pictures?

I'm the one being gobby when you're the one sending shit what the fucks wrong with you?:L and it's my fucking tummy get over it?! There's worse things in the world than that hahaha:L also it's not like people were constantly telling me, it was things every now and again, why should I name people when it's just going to cause more shit?:S

you're such an attention seeking little bitch, seriously, just oh my god, put your body away and stop trying to get likes all.the.time! -.-

So there's all these girls on Facebook in bikinis and stuff and I show my stomach I'm "attention seeking" how am I trying to get likes and what makes me a bitch...:L

Who told you? And what were they saying? I bet no one really did tell you, just another way of getting attention

I don't understand why everyone's saying I'm looking for attention? What things have I done for it? I bet you don't even know me that well? Why would I say it for attention when it's causing shit?


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