
Anastasia Rowe

Ask @Anarowe

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If I find out who is asking you all this stuff I will personally make it my job to put them through hell!

Haha well probably best not to! Don't need anymore shit from anything else!>.< haha x
Liked by: ben vickery

Woah you're getting so much shit on here! Don't know you that well but don't listen to them :) they're clearly immature otherwise they wouldn't be wetting themselves over a kiss :) smile!

Thank you..ill try the best I can!
Liked by: ben vickery

And well yeah people to through shift, but you've made Tia's heartbreak 100 times worse.. You're meant to hate Kai for what he done to her, and hug her and tell her everything is gunna be fine, but no.

Eurgh fuck you. Fuck every single on of you.

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Trust me, this wont blow over, Tia's never gunna forget it, and I'm not the one writing all of these, I've written about four? So it's more than one person (Y) . And it's not just kissing someone who ever said that. It's kissing her best mates ex after they broke up a couple days before

I'm guessing they never told you I pulled away?? And thanks for that I really don't give an actual fuck

Everyone who's giving ana shit; she has clearly stated that they haven't kiissed, so your obviously just trying to create an argument and upset people by creating shit in your own ad then spreading it!you all say your there for tia? Bullshit your the ones giving her problems, not ana! An's being tru

What everyone is saying is probably about 20% true. But people make it 1000x worse than it is, I told Tia everything that happened an now she won't even listen to what I have to say.
Liked by: ben vickery

Liar! Stop lying! And crawl in the corner and cry, cuz Tia doesn't deserve to cry, you do.

Fucking hell. It's people like you that make me think what the fuck is wrong with our society. Telling me to die. And to sit in a corner and cry. You have no fucking clue what I've been through lately and of you ask ill tell you I've got fuck all to hide, but you cunts keep going on and on. Can't you just mind your own fucking life instead of trying to destroy others can't you just mind your own fucking business? No, NOW FUCK OFF
Liked by: ben vickery

Well you won't get your perfect with Kai, even if Tia thought she had something amazing with him, he's fucking dirt. But he made her happy! now you and him are making her the saddest person I've ever seen her. I haven't known her long but she's an amazing girl and you should know that. Why do it?

Liked by: ❁_❁

No you didn't, that's not what they said to her! You told Caitlin when you went hers yesterday! She told her today! And she ran off crying! I was with Caitlin! Yeah I don't really talk to Tia but I've heard all this shit and you're slack! And amber mailed Tia

Exactly heard all this SHIT.

Why because you're getting upset as people are getting involved in shit with you and Kai? Want to be "perfect?" Like you and Matt were? Go back to him, and get the fuck off of Kai's lips and life, then everyone will be happy. Who was the bad one? Tia or Kai? KAI! Don't go to Kai's level.

Nothing's happening with me and Kai? And sorry Matt if you read this but me and him were far from perfect haha

omg, seriously just grow the fuck up and leave ana alone, everyone makes mistakes it all part of being human, yeah okay some are worse than others, but kissing someone is one of them, just grow the fuck up and leave ana alone!! xxx

Thanks! I'm sure this will all blow over in time:/xxx
Liked by: ben vickery

Right I don't have ask because I think its wank but its on my news feed and I've been told what's happened. Tia used to meet him in the mornings and walk into town with him and she bloody adored him! I'd seen her in such a serious relationship before..she was so bloomin happy, your sick x humpy x

Who's this?...I'm not stealing Kai away?!?

Whoever the fuck is giving ana shit, just back the fuck off! You're spreading shit that's probs not true. And don't be pussies and say it over ask.fm! Say it to her face, or atleast take it off anon. Pathetic pricks. Hope you're ok ana! Love youu!xxxxxxxxxx

Hmm it would be hilarious to see who actually does say it to my face! Ill be okay thanks hun^.^ love you too!!!<3
Liked by: ben vickery

Well your not a slut they are and don't listen to them you are beautiful and know one should tell anyone to go die so fuck those whores

Haha ahw thank you, this means a lot:)!!
Liked by: ben vickery

Arh yeah cuz you tell your close mates bullshit yeah? Amber and Caitlin? Yeah exactly,myou know you told them the truth! And Tia knows e truth! As you changed your story so many times!

I told amber and Caitlin the exact same stuff I told Tia?

Also tbh all these 'questions' about her kissing someone ain't question's stupid mother fuckers!:L

Hahaha yeah listen to that anon person!

Can't even answer all the questions can you? Too much hate for you lying all the time to your 'true mate' she was the true mate all along but you weren't were you?

No actually, I just couldn't give less a fuck what you all say right now

Yeah been told want you want to do but you "don't wanna hurt anyone" just fuck off away from Kai! Can't stand seeing my mates crying every fucking second! You're not the one that has to deal with it! You're just being selfish and you know you are!

It's not like I want Tia to cry?! The reason why she's fucking crying is because you cunts twist shit!!!!!!!

Wow she kissed someone, don't fucking cry about it you stupid dick heads! it's not like she fucking killed someone now fuck off and leave her alone!:)xxx

Aha thankyou! Mail me please?:/xxxx

Oh my! This person giving you abuse can just fuck off! If they have a problem stop being a pussy and doing it over ask.fm! Grow up and stop being a wanker you pathetic cunt.

Oscar Daeche
Haha thanks Oscar! People can believe what they want, and say whatever they like, not like its going to change anything anyway!

Don't you get it? Stop lying your mate! Not Tia! Good Tia that you said you got with him! Two of your friends actually! So cut the shit fucking twat!

Several people say it because bullshit goes around


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