
Angeline Ting

Ask @AngelineTing

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Hello there!💓 Today I was feeling a little bit inspired so here's a quote. "Time is luck🍀 So don't waste it living someone else's life, make yours count for something. Fight for what matters to you, no matter what. 💪🏻 Because, even if we fall short, what better way is there to live?"God bless!🙏

SmileMore__’s Profile PhotoSmileMore__

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thoughts on myself sorry for the disturb guys

ljunyee’s Profile PhotoJun yee
damn 😂
oh well, a very silly guy and always make people laugh. He is really a pro at "che ling"!! He feels hungry 24/7 and wants to go canteen when we are having lesson in class and he bought alots of foods and non stop eating. He is really a good friend to be with and talk with huehue💪

TBH nice loh pretty loh pakto didn't tell me loh always emo and takut thunder

desmondclw’s Profile Photodesss
i got pakto loh wei, ANDDDD GOT EMO LOH 👊👊👊 mana saya punya love fries

Why will she calls you Clarins?

bc cjm went to parkson's clarins to find his mom that day and she saw me there so yea i became Clarins..
Liked by: LemeIzrin


Language: English