

Ask @suptara

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Ops on whole class

Cléa great friend and funny
Yasmine really sweet and nice
Jo really funny and she is the best
Layla really nice
bella so sweet and nice
Imogen really crazy haha but nice
iris classy and funny
Laura hilarious and so sweet
Katie crazy and cool
Emily j funny and nice
Chloe really nice and loud haha
Emily m awesome and so pretty
Sarah annoying in a good way and really sweet
Simran so fun to be with and pretty
Justine so many inside jokes basically hilarious
matty really funny and cool
marlia nice and pretty
Anna adorable and sweet
Sophie clever and kind
kosana the sweetest person in the world

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Faves in germon class, prettiest in germon class, person u want to get to know in germon class???????????

tbh i like my whole class and everyone is really pretty i want to get to know daisy cuz she seems really nice

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