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AnonymousWeSeeWeJudge’s Profile PhotoAnonymous Activists
الإعلان عن انشاء لجنة المحامين للدفاع عن المتظاهرين
اتصلوا على الخط الساخن 78935579
نعلمكم أنه تم تشكيل لجنة من المحامين المتطوعين للدفاع عن المتظاهرين الذين يتم توقيفهم جماعيا وعشوائيا على خلفية ممارستهم لحق التظاهر، وذلك لمواكبة الحراك المدني في لبنان وما أعقبه من سياسة قمع وعنف من قبل القوى الأمنية. للإبلاغ عن حالات التوقيف، يرجى الاتصال على الرقم الساخن التالي: 78935579
Source : https://www.facebook.com/LegalAgenda/posts/1079671148717319
More Info : https://www.facebook.com/AnonymousLebanon2015
الإعلان عن انشاء لجنة المحامين للدفاع عن المتظاهرين
اتصلوا على الخط الساخن


AnonymousWeSeeWeJudge’s Profile PhotoAnonymous Activists
A huge call to all Anonymous members in Lebanon.
This Saturday, if you still believe in the name and nature of Anonymous, we require all of you to join us at the Martyr Square in Beirut so we can meet up with the protesters of Tol3et Rihetkom. If our number was big enough we will form a human shield between the riot control forces and the protesters, protecting them from any violent act pulled against them. Get your Gas Masks ready and cover as much skin as possible to avoid any possible injury or damage caused by the gas. Don't forget your masks. See you there, be many.
Expect Us!
Anyone else who would like to join us is welcome. At the end we are all Anonymous.
A huge call to all Anonymous members in Lebanon

This Saturday if you still

How to deal with the gas, and protection tips.

AnonymousWeSeeWeJudge’s Profile PhotoAnonymous Activists
- Avoid use of oils, lotions and detergents because they can trap the chemicals and thereby prolong exposure. Wash your clothes, your hair and your skin beforehand in a detergent-free soap.
- Don't put vaseline, mineral oil, oil-based sunscreen or moisturizers on skin as they can trap chemicals.
- Don't wear contact lenses, which can trap irritating chemicals underneath.
- We recommend using a water or alcohol-based sunscreen (rather than oil-based). If your choice is between oil-based or nothing, we advocate using the sunscreen.
- We also recommend minimizing skin exposure by covering up as much as possible. This can also protect you from the sun, as can a big hat.
- Gas masks provide the best facial protection, if properly fitted and sealed. Alternatively, goggles (with shatter-proof lenses), respirators, even a wet bandana over the nose and mouth will help.
How to deal:
-STAY CALM. Panicking increases the irritation. Breathe slowly.
-If you see it coming or get a warning, put on protective gear, if able, try to move away or get upwind.
-Blow your nose, rinse your mouth, cough and spit. Try not to swallow.
-If you wear contacts, try to remove the lenses or get someone to remove them for you, with CLEAN, uncontaminated fingers.

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How to make your own Gas Mask at home.

AnonymousWeSeeWeJudge’s Profile PhotoAnonymous Activists
Tear gas is not a joke at all guys. Please do not act heroic, it may cause permanent damage to you.
If you are exposed to tear gas , you may experience:
- stinging, burning in your eyes, nose, mouth and skin
- excessive tearing, causing your vision to blur
- runny nose
- increased salivation
- coughing and difficulty breathing
- disorientation, confusion and sometimes panic
--Folks with respiratory diseases, such as asthma, emphysema, etc. risk exacerbation, or permanent damage if exposed.
--Vulnerable people such as infants, the elderly, and the immune compromised, risk intensified and possibly life-threatening responses.
--Anyone with chronic health conditions or those on medications that weaken the immune system, (ie: chemotherapy, Lupus, HIV, radiation, or long-term corticosteroids such as prednisone) risk exacerbation of illness, intensified response and possible delayed recovery.
--Women who are or could be pregnant, or who are trying to get pregnant, may be at risk of spontaneous abortion, or increased risk of birth defects.
--Nursing mothers risk passing toxins on to their infant.
--Folks with skin conditions (ie: severe acne, psoriasis, or eczema) and eye conditions (ie: conjunctivitis or uveitis) risk an intensified response.
!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!! Tear gas exposure may cause contact lenses to FUSE to the eyes and cause PERMANENT BLINDNESS. DO NOT WEAR YOUR CONTACT LENSES DOWN THERE.

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How to make your own Gas Mask at home

betmanna te2rouwa kelkon w Merci ♥ https://m.ask.fm/lebanese_people/answers/130712710718

lebanese_people’s Profile PhotoLebanesePeople™✊
Dear Lebanese Society and People,
You finally made it, you are awake.
Starting tomorrow, you will see us with you on the streets, shouting in the name of every one of you. We will join you through the best and the worst of your stand. We were trying to wake you up all this time, now that you're awake and ready for a revolution, it's our mission to support you till the end of the road.
Dear corrupt politicians, expect the worst. We promise you with an #OpLebanon.
Expect us.
We will be posting a guide on how to deal with Smoke bombs, gunshots and violence soon.

Guys can you please recover this account @zeinastyles and talk to me by any of the social medias you have including insta or whatsapp or some shit le2ano I really need it back -Dp

Hello dear, sorry for posting but we're off social media lately. Could you please check this link and follow the steps mentioned to recover your account ? Please note that step 4 might take some time (few days).
If none of the steps mentioned worked for you contact us again here on ask and we'll try to get in touch with you on Kik as soon as possible.


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