
Audrey Wihardja

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Latest answers from Audrey Wihardja

Lmao would you date anyone with less than a bachelor degree?

Why not? Alot of people are successful without even a diploma or bachelors degree.

Lo udah diselingkuhin, dibohongin, dikhianatin tp masih mau terima dan maafin. Trs lu melakukan satu kesalahan yg sbnrnya itu ga salah2 bgt dan doi lgsg ninggalin lu beda jauh sm apa yg lu lakuin ke dia pas dia beneran salah. Pertanyaannya moveon atau stay?

Move on lahhhh , so many more this world can offer you!! Masa stay with that 1 guy/girl and live in that misery for the rest of your lives ?? Be smarter than that .

Suka orang yang cuek atau pendiam? Why

abuhai_rā€™s Profile PhotoAbu Hair
Pendiam , cause kalo orgnya cuek, dia emang org bacot and blah blah .. Tp kalo orgnya diem, dia pasti tidak diem terus2an dia pasti bicara tp dia ngomong yg penting g blah blah blah... Hahahahahaha idk if you get my indo šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…

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